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Presentation on theme: "Rotations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rotations

2 SWBAT: rotate figures around the origin by graphing SWBAT: rotate figures around the origin without graphing SWBAT: write a rule describing a rotation around the origin

3 4 Types of Transformations
Rotations translations Reflections Dilations

4 Rotation To rotate means to turn around a center point.

5 Clockwise vs Counter-clockwise
Clockwise (abbreviated CW) Counterclockwise (abbreviated CCW)

6 Degree Review 90° 180° 270° 360°

7 How to Rotate a Figure on a Graph
Steps Model: Rotate 90° clockwise 1. Rotate your paper the stated degrees clockwise or counterclockwise 90 means top is now at right 180 means top is now at bottom 270 means top is now at left 360 is complete circle 2. Write the coordinates of the new shape vertices 3. Return paper to normal, graph the new figure and label all prime vertices with coordinates A C B C’ A’ B’ A(4, -1) B (2, -3) C(2, -1)

8 How to Rotate a Figure on a Graph
Steps Model: Rotate 180° clockwise 1. Rotate your paper the stated degrees clockwise or counterclockwise 90 means top is now at right 180 means top is now at bottom 270 means top is now at left 360 is complete circle 2. Write the coordinates of the new shape vertices 3. Return paper to normal, graph the new figure and label all prime vertices with coordinates A C B C’ B’ A’ A(-1, -4) B (-3, -2) C(-1, -2)

9 How to Rotate a Figure on a Graph
Steps Model: Rotate 270° counter clockwise 1. Rotate your paper the stated degrees clockwise or counterclockwise 90 means top is now at right 180 means top is now at bottom 270 means top is now at left 360 is complete circle 2. Write the coordinates of the new shape vertices 3. Return paper to normal, graph the new figure and label all prime vertices with coordinates A C B C’ A’ B’ A(4, -1) B (2, -3) C(2, -1)

10 Try those problems with your groups

11 Please fill in this graph in your notes
Have students draw this table in their notes. Go through filling out the table together, then display next slide so students have correct version.

12 Rotation around the origin
Display so students have completed correct version.

13 How to Write a Rotation Rule from a picture
Steps Model: A to B 1. Draw an arched line from two of the original vertices to two of the prime vertices 2. Describe the direction (cw or ccw) and the degree of rotation 3. Write the complimentary direction and degree of rotation. 90° CCW OR 270° CW

14 How to Write a Rotation Rule from a picture
Steps Model: A to C 1. Draw an arched line from two of the original vertices to two of the prime vertices 2. Describe the direction (cw or ccw) and the degree of rotation 3. Write the complimentary direction and degree of rotation. 180° CCW OR 180° CW

15 Try these problems with your groups

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