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PLT Final Project---COLOGO Lixing Dong, Zhou Ma, Chao Song, Siyuan Lu, Dongyang Jiang.

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Presentation on theme: "PLT Final Project---COLOGO Lixing Dong, Zhou Ma, Chao Song, Siyuan Lu, Dongyang Jiang."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLT Final Project---COLOGO Lixing Dong, Zhou Ma, Chao Song, Siyuan Lu, Dongyang Jiang

2 Overview of COLOGO Columbia LOGO Motivation: For educational use 1. an effective programming language for drawing 2D graphics 2. designed in spirit of low threshold, easily implemented.

3 Function Feature Euclidean Pictures Creating Functions Recursive Iridescent Simple Data Structure such as Array. Support direct HTML and Javascript Output

4 COLOGO VS. LOGO Colorful Compile together No list

5 Language Tutorial

6 Some examples of our program Fibonacci Recursive

7 Some examples of our program Olympic Rings (faked)

8 Rainbow Some examples of our program

9 Language Tutorial Variable Declaration Int a,b; Bool c; foo d; (:foo is a object:) Int e[10]; (:array:)

10 Language Tutorial Expression Assignment: a = 1; c = True; Arithmetic Expression: a = b + a; Comparison Expression: c = a < b; Logical Expression: c = (a == b); Not c; Function call: a = testfunc(b); Comment: (:This is a comment:)

11 Language Tutorial Loop Loop(10) { a = a + 1; } Loop(10) { a = a + 1; Break; } Loop(10) { a = a + 1; Goon;}

12 Language Tutorial Condition If (c) { a = b; } End If (c) { a = b; } Else { b = a; } End

13 Language Tutorial Jump If (c) { a = b; } End If (c) { a = b; } Else { b = a; } End

14 Language Tutorial Draw Move Forward: FD 10; Move Backward: BK 10; Turn Left: LF 90; Turn Right: RT 90;

15 Language Tutorial Draw Reset position: RESET; Clear Screen: CLS; Pen Operation: PU; PD; PF; Line Width: WD 10; Set Line Color: RGB 255, a, e[2]

16 Language Tutorial Function Declaration: Func testfunc(int n) : int { Return n;} Call: a = testfunc(b);

17 Language Tutorial Object Definition: Obj foo { int bar; int baz;} Declaration: foo d; Reference: dot operator = a; b = d.baz;

18 Implementation

19 Layout

20 Flow Ast: Abstract Syntax Tree Types Definition One Rule -> One Type Constructor

21 Flow Scanner: Generate Tokens Parser: Generate AST Use Type Constructor Defined in AST

22 Flow Scanner: Generate Tokens Parser: Generate AST Use Type Constructor Defined in AST Basic Error Recovery

23 Flow Semantic: Traversal of AST, Checking Variables, Function Definitions, Type Matching, etc. Generator: Traversal of AST, Generate JS code in HTML file Printer: Traverse and print the AST

24 Flow Semantic: Traversal of AST, Checking Variables, Redefinition Type Matching: Array Object Function Matching Parameter Count, Argument Type Return Type Definition Scope Stack faked by List Small Features: infinite loop

25 Flow Generator: Traversal of AST Generate JS Code in HTML5 file Draw Statement Array in Obj

26 Flow

27 SUMMARY Further to develop Lessons learned

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