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By: Brianne Kent.  any item, piece of equipment or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of children.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Brianne Kent.  any item, piece of equipment or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of children."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Brianne Kent

2  any item, piece of equipment or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of children with disabilities.  Items that not only improve academic capabilities, they can improve the independence and quality of life for an individual with any form of disability. (What is Assistive Technoloy?, 2006)

3  Section 501 of Rehabilitation Act: this act prohibits the discrimination on the basis of someone’s disability. Agencies must have affirmative action in place in regards to hiring and placing a person with disabilities.  Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act: this act prohibits discrimination based on disabilities.  Section 505 of Rehabilitation Act: this act gives the rights to people with disabilities to pursue fair rights if being discriminated against because of their disability.  Section 508 of Rehabilitation Act: this act was enacted to eliminate barriers in information technology, and to provide opportunities for people with disabilities.  Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): ensures equal opportunities for people with disabilities.  Section 255 of Telecommunications Act of 1966: ensures that assistive technology is readily available for people with disabilities.  Assistive Technology Act of 1998: grant program that provides state programs help from federal programs to ensure they have the technology needed to assist people with disabilities. (Assistive Technology, 2012)

4  FM Systems  Mostly used in the classroom.  The teacher wears a small microphone connected to a transmitter and the students wears the receiver.  The receiver is tuned to a certain channel or frequency.  Reaches up to 300 feet.  If more than one used or radios being used nearby, the student will have to tune to a different station to avoid interference.  This allows a students to clearly hear what a teacher is saying without the interference of other noises and without having to always be in the front seat in the room. (Assistive Devices, 2011)

5  Optical Character Recognition System  Machine that takes written text and speaks it.  This allows a student with a visual disability to read the same text that any other student in the class independently.  It gives them the freedom to learn at their own pace and not be reliable on someone else to provide the information. (Assistive Technology, 2014)

6  Word Prediction Software  This software can help predict what it thinks the user is going to say.  Helps students use proper spelling and grammar with less keystrokes and less frustration.  This program can allow a student to spend less time being frustrated with struggling to get their thoughts on paper because it helps to get their thoughts written down easier. (Word prediction, 1999)

7  Single Switch Access  Used with physically disabilities when the person only has use of their head  A switch that is placed next to the person’s head so that they can control the device with just the movement of their head. Allows them to click with their head.  The clicking is then interpreted using a special software program. (Assistive Technologies, 2014)

8  Assistive Devices for People with Hearing, Voice, Speech, or Language Disorders. (2011, December 1). Retrieved October 30, 2014, from http://www.nidcd.nig/gov/health/hearing/pages/assittive- devices.aspx http://www.nidcd.nig/gov/health/hearing/pages/assittive- devices.aspx  Assistive technologies for people with physical impairments. (2014, January 1). Retrieved October 30, 2014, from http://www.gmc-  Assistive Technology: Federal Laws and Regulations. (2012, January 1). Retrieved October 30, 2014, from technology/292-assistive-technology-federal-law-and-regulations.html technology/292-assistive-technology-federal-law-and-regulations.html  Assistive Technology. (2014, January 1). Retrieved October 30, 2014, from technology/assistive-technology/123 technology/assistive-technology/123  What is Assistive Technology? (2006, April 19). Retrieved October 30, 2014, from  Word prediction software programs. (1999, January 1). Retrieved October 30, 2014, from technology/966-word-prediction-software-programs.gs technology/

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