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Handyperson Services LB Lewisham & South East London Housing Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "Handyperson Services LB Lewisham & South East London Housing Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Handyperson Services LB Lewisham & South East London Housing Partnership

2 What do we provide? A Handyperson to help with small jobs, usually aimed at householders who are on a low income, older and disabled. Jobs are aimed at eliminating hazards within the dwellings or taking responsibility for jobs which might be hazardous to the occupier. e.g. changing light bulbs, moving furniture etc Jobs are aimed at eliminating hazards within the dwellings or taking responsibility for jobs which might be hazardous to the occupier. e.g. changing light bulbs, moving furniture etc

3 What Outcomes have we achieved?  Borough Progress Report (from 01/03/06 to 30/09/07) Boroughs Allocation Spend Match Funding Total Funding (= allocation + match funding) # Homes Improv ed Average Funding Cost (per home improved ) # homes improve d to decent homes standard # of vulnera ble househ olds assisted Bexley £156,250£160,000£316,2503146£10138871 Bromley £212,732£105,393£318,1252920£109242920 Greenwich £86,207£5,360£91,567657£13919604 Lewisham £112,193£42,924£155,117840£18520770 Southwark £156,250£94,374£250,624510£491 136 5530

4 How do we eliminate Category one hazards? Difficult to assess what is a category one hazard Personal Assistance - Unlikely Direct Provision - Possibly Indirect provision – Definitely

5 Value Added Benefits Reputable trades people not interested in small jobs Protects against rogue traders Enables people to maintain their independence Prevents falls in the home Saves the NHS money

6 What else do we do? Fire safety work Security Measures Hospital Discharge Gardening Services Support for voluntary sector

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