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Sorting to Algebra Developing Mathematical Thinkers.

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Presentation on theme: "Sorting to Algebra Developing Mathematical Thinkers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sorting to Algebra Developing Mathematical Thinkers

2 Cross Number Puzzles P uzzles are not "dessert" for after the "real" work is done. Selected properly and introduced thoughtfully, they can be the real work. EDC

3 What am I supposed to do? What CAN I do?

4 Algebraic Ideas Breaking it up 44045 59 19 40 12111

5 What does the “thick line” do? 4

6 421

7 What does the “thick line” do? 42125

8 What about this way? 100

9 What about this way? 100 27

10 What about this way? 100 73 27

11 Kindergarten Sorters

12 4 + 5 = 9 3 + 1 = 4 7 Addition and Subtraction From sorting to algebra Challenge: can you find some that don’t work? 5x + 3y = 23 2x + 3y = 11 Is there anything interesting about addition and subtraction sentences? 13 += 6 5 1 4

13 Back to the very beginnings Picture a young child with a small pile of buttons. Natural to sort. We help children refine and extend what is already natural.

14 6 4 7310 Back to the very beginnings Children can also summarize. “Data” from the buttons. bluegray large small

15 large small bluegray Abstraction If we substitute numbers for the original objects… 6 4 7310 6 4 73 42 31

16 A Cross Number Puzzle Don’t always start with the question! 5 21 8 13 9 12 76 3 1 st grade

17 Building the addition algorithm Only multiples of 10 in yellow. Only less than 10 in blue. 63 38 25 13 50 20 5 8 30 2nd grade

18 Relating addition and subtraction 6 4 7310 42 31 6 4 73 42 31 2nd grade

19 The subtraction algorithm 63 38 25 13 50 20 5 8 30 25 38 63 -5 30 60 3 8 30 25 + 38 = 6363 – 38 = 25

20 The subtraction algorithm 63 38 25 13 50 20 5 8 30 25 38 63 5 20 60 3 8 30 25 + 38 = 6363 – 38 = 25 50 13

21 Place Value Bonus 235 + 597

22 Place Value Bonus 235 + 597

23 Place Value Bonus 235 + 597

24 Place Value Bonus 235 + 597

25 Place Value Bonus 235 + 597

26 Place Value Bonus 235 + 597

27 Place Value Bonus 235 + 597

28 Place Value Bonus 235 + 597

29 Place Value Bonus 235 + 597 = 832

30 Cross Number Puzzles and Multiplication

31 Developing a familiar multiplication algorithm











42 The algebra connection: adding 42 31 10 4 6 3 7 4 + 2 = 6 3 + 1 = 4 10 += 7 3

43 The algebra connection: subtracting 73 31 6 4 10 2 4 7 + 3 = 10 3 + 1 = 4 6 += 4 2

44 The eighth-grade look 5x5x3y3y 2x2x3y3y 11 235x + 3y = 23 2x + 3y = 11 12 += 3x3x0 x = 4 3x3x0 12 All from sorting buttons!

45 Algebra At the Core Kindergarten – Grade 5 Focus on underlying principles allows “two for the price of one” subtraction is un-addition division is un-multiplication Mastery of traditional algorithms Easier and more exciting to learn and explore More competently used

46 For more information about Cross Number Puzzles and Think Math! visit

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