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Your Questoins!

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2 Your Questoins!

3 Limiting Factor vs. Range of Tolerance
Limiting factors are things that prevent a population from growing any larger. A macronutrient Predators Land Rainfall Proximity to others of the same species Temperature Sunlight pH Level Range of Tolerance: the specific requirements for a population to live. Example: Temperature, salinity, sunlight, pH

4 DDT and Bioaccumulation(absorbed or stored in organs) and Biomagnification (through a food chain)
Fig. 11-4 p. 231

5 Food web vs. Food chain

6 ENERGY PYRAMID Energy is lost with each trophic
~90% “lost”, is released to the environment as heat ~10% of the energy is used Only about 10% of the energy from one level is passed on to the next level 10% 90% 10% 90% 10% 90%

7 Ecosphere or Biosphere Ecosystem
All earth's ecosystems Ecosystem Community of different species interacting with one another and with their nonliving environment of matter and energy Community Complex interacting network of plants, animals, and microorganisms Habitat Place where a population or individual organism naturally lives Genetic Diversity Populations that are dynamic groups that change in size, age distribution, density, and genetic composition as a result of changes in environmental conditions Population Group of interacting individuals of the same species that occupy a specific area at the same time

8 Systems – matter & energy flow
Open system- allows energy and mass to pass across the system boundary. Closed system- allows energy but not mass across its system boundary.

9 Biomass Dry weight of all organic matter contained in organisms.
Biomass is measured in dry weight Water is not source of energy or nutrient Biomass of first trophic levels is dry mass of all producers Useable energy transferred as biomass varies from 5%-20% (10% standard)

10 Storage of biomass at various trophic levels of ecosystem
Pyramid of Biomass Storage of biomass at various trophic levels of ecosystem

11 Number of organisms at each trophic level
Pyramid of Numbers Number of organisms at each trophic level




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