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Gotta Have Heart and Soul (and Head!) Created by Linda, Patty, and Jen.

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Presentation on theme: "Gotta Have Heart and Soul (and Head!) Created by Linda, Patty, and Jen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gotta Have Heart and Soul (and Head!) Created by Linda, Patty, and Jen

2 Who needs to be involved at our school to implement your plan of action? EVERYONE!!!! –Teachers –Administrators –Counselors –Parents –Students

3 What is the time line of our action plan? Gradual implementation throughout the 2008-2009 school year and beyond

4 What are the short and long- term components of your action plan? Short –5 minute presentations at faculty meetings to generate interest and promote our long-term goals –Flyers and bulletin boards to spread awareness –Work with administrators to gain support

5 Long-term goals –Develop and deliver full-day staff development workshop for teachers & counselors in grades K-12 –Begin career plans for students before 8 th grade level and have students update yearly –Have student career plans accessible through Student Information Service for teacher viewing

6 Outcomes of Action Plan Teachers and counselors will become more connected to our students All students will have “caring adults” to make them feel valued Students will be prepared to be successful adults –Have career plans –Develop soft skills –Formulate work identity

7 What will it mean for our students if our action plan is not implemented? Students will not be as prepared to enter the workforce Students will not see connections between school and real-world and continue to wonder “Why do I have to be here?” Students will not be able to compete in the global market

8 Materials Needed NYDOL Posters Career Zone cards Power point Staff Development Center/Computer Lab Flyers Bulletin board displays Online resources (Career Zone, The Real Game, etc.) 2 Million Minutes Did You Know?

9 How We Will Measure the Success of Our Action Plan? Feedback from teachers & counselors Interaction with colleagues Enrollment in and evaluation of staff development workshop Implementation of career plan development at the elementary level





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