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Chronology means ‘To put things in the right order of time’

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2 Chronology means ‘To put things in the right order of time’


4 In History we look over long periods of time TWO ‘Historians divide time into TWO periods’

5 2011 AD 2011 years ago AD Anno Dominithe Year of our Lord Anything after my birth is known as AD ‘AD – this means Anno Domini (the Year of our Lord’) A.D BC Before Christ Anything BEFORE my birth is known as BC ‘BC –means Before Christ B.C

6 A.D B.C 1 BC 2011 AD 2011 BC 1000 AD 1 AD 1945 AD 5BC

7 A.D B.C 1066 AD 1945 AD 1815 AD 23 BC 2010 AD 3100 BC 1999AD 452AD

8 Historians often look at events over long periods of time— Often over CENTURIES (A century = __100____ years) ‘

9 12th year If you are 11 years old it means that you have lived for 11 complete years and are now in your 12th year. A newborn baby is 0 years old but is living in its first year. ‘

10 To work out centuries you do the same… Take the first 2 digits of a date eg: 1945 (1 st 2 digits are 19) ADD 1 : (So 19 + 1 is 20) 1945 20 th CenturySo 1945 is in the 20 th Century 3 digits In a date with only 3 digits eg: 945 AD Use the first digit (eg 9) ADD 1 : (So 9 + 1 is 10) 945 AD 10 th CenturySo 945 AD is in the 10 th Century

11 1321 is in the 14thcentury 1321 13 + 1 = 14 So 1321 is in the 14 th Century

12 800 is in the 9thcentury 800 8 + 1 = 9 So 800AD is in the 9 th Century

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