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1137 of our Students Completed the British Values Survey

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Presentation on theme: "1137 of our Students Completed the British Values Survey"— Presentation transcript:

1 1137 of our Students Completed the British Values Survey

2 Do you think of yourself as British?

3 People who said the are not British- why?

4 Should you learn about British Values?
Only 7.1% disagreed

5 You have to be born in Britain to be British
No major agreement We need to explore and understand what makes opinion so divided.

6 You have to Speak English to be British
Most people value other people who do not speak English as a part of Britain’s diverse society. Needs to be explored.

7 To be British you must know about British History
This is in the Life in the UK test to gain British Citizenship.

8 You need to be a Christian to be British
Other religions are a valued part of British Society

9 Being British means we are tolerant of all beliefs and faiths and do not discriminate based on gender, race or disability. We agree with this which is 3/5 of the British Values we are looking at today. Individual Liberty Mutual Respect Tolerance of other faiths

10 British people respect and follow the laws of Britain
We agree about another aspect of British Values we are exploring, the Rule of Law.

11 Looking at Democracy- the remaining British Value
Should we know what we are voting for? Needs exploring.

12 Most Important part of being British

13 Most important influence on your values and beliefs.

14 British People are most proud of……

15 Our Schools’ Mission Statements

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