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MEAN The average of the data set. Population: Sample:

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Presentation on theme: "MEAN The average of the data set. Population: Sample:"— Presentation transcript:

1 MEAN The average of the data set. Population: Sample:

2 MEDIAN The middle number after they are put in order

3 MODE The number that occurs most often. Mode:7

4 BIMODAL When the data set has more than one mode

5 INNER QUARTILE RANGE The range between Q1 and Q3

6 OUTLIER A data entry that is far removed from the other entries in the data set.

7 WEIGHTED MEAN The mean of a data set whose entries have varying weights. SOURCESCORE, xWEIGHT, wxw Test Mean Midterm Final Computer Lab Homework 86 96 82 98 100 0.5 0.15 0.2 0.1 0.05 43 14.4 16.4 9.8 5

8 MEAN OF FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION Finding the mean of grouped data. Where x and f are the midpoints and frequency of a class

9 SYMMETRIC DISTRIBUTION When a vertical line can be drawn through the middle of the graph and the resulting halves are approx. mirror images

10 UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION When all entries or classes have equal frequencies

11 SKEWED RIGHT A distribution where the tail extends to the right. (Positively Skewed)

12 SKEWED LEFT A distribution where the tail extends to the left. (Negatively Skewed)

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