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What were these people looking for and what did they find?

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Presentation on theme: "What were these people looking for and what did they find?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What were these people looking for and what did they find?
FAMOUS EXPLORERS What were these people looking for and what did they find?

2 Bartolome Dias Sent by Portugal in 1488 to explore the coast of Africa and find a way to Indian Ocean Accomplishment: Sailed to the southern tip of Africa

3 Christopher Columbus: 1492
Sent by Spain to find a western route to Asia Landed near the Bahamas thinking he was in Asia and claimed the land for Spain Reached America accidentally

4 John Cabot- 1497 Sent by England to discover the Northwest Passage
Traveled by sea to Canada and claimed this land for the British

5 Vasco Da Gama- 1498 Sent by Portugal to find a sea route to the East
He was the first European to reach India by the sea route

6 Ferdinand Magellan- 1519 Sent by Spain
Trying to find a water route to Asia First to circumnavigate the globe Studied map making and navigation Proved that the world was round, but died before completing the journey

7 Hernando Cortes- 1521 Sent by Spain
Spanish conquistador who was trying to find riches for Spain Conquered the Aztecs and Mexico

8 Francisco Pizarro- 1531 Sent by Spain Looking for gold
Conquered the Incas in Peru, South America

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