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Lab 2: Problem Solving. Problem Solving! Understand ‘scientific approach’ and its practice Use ‘scientific approach’ in your own problem-solving activities.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab 2: Problem Solving. Problem Solving! Understand ‘scientific approach’ and its practice Use ‘scientific approach’ in your own problem-solving activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab 2: Problem Solving

2 Problem Solving! Understand ‘scientific approach’ and its practice Use ‘scientific approach’ in your own problem-solving activities Heighten your awareness of the role and construction of a scientific argument Use thought and existing knowledge in hypothesis generation and testing

3 Definitions “Science is the human endeavor to achieve a better understanding of the world by observation, comparison, experiment, analysis, synthesis, and conceptualization” “Science is a body of facts (‘knowledge’) and the concepts that permit explaining these facts.” Both from Ernst Mayr, What makes biology unique p. 140 (Kindle version)

4 Scientific Method Observation Hypothesize Model Predict Test Repeat?

5 Scientific Method Observation Hypothesize Model Predict Test Repeat? NOT an ‘educated guess’!!!

6 Scientific Method IF (insert mechanism here) “is true” THEN (a predicted outcome based on the mechanism) “must also be true”

7 It’s not limited to ‘scientists’ You stumble out of your room at 4 a.m. and turn on a lamp Nothing happens Now what? Did your world disappear?

8 It’s not limited to ‘scientists’ “The light’s not turning on!” = observation ‘Possible explanations’ = hypothesis/models “If I ______, it should _____” = prediction Execution of prediction = test Goal is to whittle away possibilities until only one is left standing –If only looking at one, challenge it to fail

9 Ways of knowing what you ‘know’ Empirical--you saw it, touched it, etc. Reasoned argument from documented/identified assumptions & previous knowledge Repeatedly established by others that you ‘trust’ ‘Intuition’ arises from experience & mental participation Never: assertions by authority

10 Here it is at work, WITH ways of ‘knowing’!

11 Smell for yourself What do you notice/observe? What does this ‘tell’ you? –About what your body does –About the molecules What do ‘different smells’ tell you?

12 Smell for yourself So, you’ve formulated a hypothesis… BOTH molecules are C 10 H 14 O New hypothesis?

13 Smell for yourself See ‘Duo_Comparator’ in Bio181L_Go What do you conclude?

14 A ‘big part’ of science is observation… SPOTTING A PATTERN

15 Pattern Master YOU find the rules

16 Pattern Master Take a look Bio181L_Go => “PatternMaster” Enter a random# Select ‘Demo’

17 Perimeter to top inner color Top inner color to lower left color Lower right color to lower left color Given 1-step clockwise*, it could be...

18 Pattern Master Write Up Description clearly explains underlying rule (50 points) – supplemented with examples – sufficient to guide someone who doesn’t know the game

19 Pattern Master Write Up Description clearly explains underlying rule (50 points) – supplemented with examples – sufficient to guide someone who doesn’t know the game Proposed solution wrong or not understandable… points taken OFF & max possible score 45 no matter what

20 Pattern Master Write Up Description clearly explains underlying rule (50 points) – supplemented with examples – sufficient to guide someone who doesn’t know the game Proposed solution wrong or not understandable… points taken OFF & max possible score 45 no matter what More points? Harder puzzle! 45, 50, 55

21 Making Order In PatternMaster, you conjecture from a ‘standing start’, then test resulting hypotheses Now - you’ll investigate building of knowledge, = creation of simplifying view from initially disparate information

22 Two sets of liquids Indicator 1-6; Substances A & B

23 Two sets of liquids Indicator 1-6; Substance A & B These are yours to investigate. How much can you figure out?

24 Two sets of liquids Indicator 1-6; Substance A & B These are yours to investigate. How much can you figure out? What design/experiments will you perform to gain insight

25 Two sets of liquids Indicator 1-6; Substance A & B These are yours to investigate. How much can you figure out? What experiments will you perform to gain insight As you make observations, can you model the world?

26 Two sets of liquids Indicator 1-6; Substance A & B These are yours to investigate. How much can you figure out? What experiments will you perform to gain insight As you make observations, can you model the world? Suggestion: finding an organized way to record your data is probably a Good Idea

27 Rubrics What’s a rubric? –Treasure map to points = see rubric!!!!

28 Group Assignments

29 Learning from yourself

30 Five tips from you to you Strategies, approaches, insights you observed, employed, discovered today For each –state the rule, approach, etc. –explain the context in which it arose –state a circumstance where it could apply in your future This is 25% of next week’s quiz grade, handed in today

31 Quantum Mine Open “Show Beams” “Show Gems” Figure out the rules What do you have?

32 Quantum Mine Turn off ‘hints’

33 Quantum Mine Turn off ‘hints’ Solve one as a group

34 Quantum Mine Turn off ‘hints’ Solve one as a group NO CLICKING until all group members understand and support proposal

35 Quantum Mine Turn off ‘hints’ Solve one as a group NO CLICKING until all group members understand and support proposal MAKE A PREDICTION – IF… THEN

36 Quantum Mine Turn off ‘hints’ Solve one as a group NO CLICKING until all group members understand and support proposal Hypothesis proposer ≠ prediction maker ≠ result analyzer

37 Quantum Mine Turn off ‘hints’ Solve one as a group NO CLICKING until all group members understand and support proposal Hypothesis proposer ≠ prediction maker ≠ result analyzer Successful = 4 bonus pts on PM

38 Homework Quantum Mine: Bonus credit Pattern Master: Solution & (written) description – Written submitted to D2L Dropbox (doc or docx ONLY) Assessor: the Logic of Disproof Mix and Match Liquids: write-up of today’s work (see rubric) Submit to Dropbox (1/group)

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