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+ 13.2” + 1.6” - 2.9” Calendar Year 2004 Calendar Year 2005 + 13.3” + 9.7” + 13.5” + 14.3”-3.3” -10.5”+4.6”

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Presentation on theme: "+ 13.2” + 1.6” - 2.9” Calendar Year 2004 Calendar Year 2005 + 13.3” + 9.7” + 13.5” + 14.3”-3.3” -10.5”+4.6”"— Presentation transcript:

1 + 13.2” + 1.6” - 2.9” Calendar Year 2004 Calendar Year 2005 + 13.3” + 9.7” + 13.5” + 14.3”-3.3” -10.5”+4.6”

2 + 17.2” + 7.5” + 6.9” Wet Season 2004 Wet Season 2005 + 11.0” + 4.7” + 10.0” + 8.5”+ 2.8” -2.9”+9.2”

3 Significantly High Rainfall in the Lake Okeechobee tributaries for the past 5 years Wet Season rainfall over the Upper Kissimmee Basin was above average in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, & 2005. –These five wet seasons yielded an more than 41” of extra rainfall –The return period for 2004 wet season was 50 years. The Lake Okeechobee watershed is about three times larger than the Lake –so excess rainfall over the watershed can result in a three-fold increase in the Lake Okeechobee stage. –For example, an extra 5” in the watershed could produce 15” of extra water in the Lake.

4 Wet Season: June-October

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