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Reduce your risk of back pain. What we’ll cover today What we know about back pain Common risk factors for back pain Tips for reducing the risk of back.

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Presentation on theme: "Reduce your risk of back pain. What we’ll cover today What we know about back pain Common risk factors for back pain Tips for reducing the risk of back."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reduce your risk of back pain

2 What we’ll cover today What we know about back pain Common risk factors for back pain Tips for reducing the risk of back pain

3 What we know 80% of people suffer back pain at some point in their life 5% of people suffer back pain for longer than 6 months Most people recover from back pain episodes naturally within a few weeks Just as common in office workers compared to manual workers

4 Common risk factors for back pain Things not in your controlThings in your control Medical conditions (e.g. arthritis)Seating position / twisting GeneticsSitting for long periods Lifting heavy or bulky objects incorrectly Lack of exercise Weight management Smoking

5 Tips for reducing your risk of back pain Four really effective ways to reduce your risk are to: 1. Sit well 2. Move well 3. Lift well 4. Breathe Well

6 Sit well Check your work station every day Click the link for a DSE check http://connect/as surance/SafetyA ndCompliance/O ccupationalHealt handSafety/dse. aspx If you work with a laptop, when possible, attach a mouse, keyboard and screen

7 Move well Moving gets extra blood to muscles and can heal you quicker If you work at a desk – every 45 minutes stand up and take a short break away If you have a manual job – stretch before and after work Be active outside of work – exercise strengthens muscles in the core and back Click the link below for some basic back stretches

8 Lift well Wherever possible avoid lifting or carrying anything weighing more than 25kg If you do lift: –Always bend from your knees and not your back –Keep your feet wide for a stable base –Face the object, don’t twist –Carry the object close to your body

9 Breathe well Smoking can affect nutrient and oxygen flow to important parts of the spine and muscles supporting your back For free advice on giving up call: NHS smoking cessation helpline on: 0800 434 6677 or visit:

10 What if you suffer back pain? For accident related injuries Tell your line manager – who can arrange occupational health support Fill in an accident form Contact your GP For general back pain Apply ice and heat (5 minutes each) for 20 minutes Keep moving as much as possible to help heal more quickly If there is no improvement, or it gets worse after a few days, contact your GP

11 Remember! Most back pain can be prevented by taking positive steps and looking at what you do every day to assess whether there is a risk

12 What you can do next More information and helpful articles – see Occupational Health and Wellbeing on Connect For podcasts and videos on how to become more active click below Wellbeing For a DSE check click below http://connect/assurance/SafetyAndCompliance/OccupationalHealthandSafety/dse.aspx For more information on back pain click below

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