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Easter Eggs All Over The World. Easter eggs are special eggs that are often given to celebrate Easter or sprin gtime. Easter eggs are common during Eastertide.

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Presentation on theme: "Easter Eggs All Over The World. Easter eggs are special eggs that are often given to celebrate Easter or sprin gtime. Easter eggs are common during Eastertide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Easter Eggs All Over The World

2 Easter eggs are special eggs that are often given to celebrate Easter or sprin gtime. Easter eggs are common during Eastertide as they symbolize the empty tomb of Jesus Easter eggs are special eggs that are often given to celebrate Easter or sprin gtime. Easter eggs are common during Eastertide as they symbolize the empty tomb of JesuseggsEastersprin gtimeEastertideempty tombJesuseggsEastersprin gtimeEastertideempty tombJesus

3 The most common are the red eggs symbolizing the blood of Christ but the Easter eggs are often decorated with motifs that differ from country to country and region to region The most common are the red eggs symbolizing the blood of Christ but the Easter eggs are often decorated with motifs that differ from country to country and region to region Lately the chocolate Easter eggs have appeared and become very popular Lately the chocolate Easter eggs have appeared and become very popular

4 Traditionally hand painted Easter eggs are on display for sale in the eastern German village of Schleife

5 Ukrainian Eggs - Traditional Ukrainian Easter Eggs



8 Belarusian Easter Eggs

9 Poland

10 Irland

11 Washington

12 Candle drip eggs

13 England






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