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G EO S EARCH By: Raihan Jamal Ameya Patil Shubham Nigam CSCI 572 Information Retrieval and Web Search Engine Spring 2011 Guided By:- Professor Ellis Horowitz.

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Presentation on theme: "G EO S EARCH By: Raihan Jamal Ameya Patil Shubham Nigam CSCI 572 Information Retrieval and Web Search Engine Spring 2011 Guided By:- Professor Ellis Horowitz."— Presentation transcript:

1 G EO S EARCH By: Raihan Jamal Ameya Patil Shubham Nigam CSCI 572 Information Retrieval and Web Search Engine Spring 2011 Guided By:- Professor Ellis Horowitz Kaijian Xu

2 P ROJECT D ESCRIPTION This project aims in developing a specialized search engine for geographers where they can search, see and download the shapefile (shapefile is a format of saving geographic files which stores latitutde, longitude, physical address, etc in it). It will not only allow geographer to search in our own database but it will also have a functionality to search on other data sites hence we will also integrate the meta search into our own search engine. It will have pretty heavy UI as it will be on adobe flex GIS API which will help to render the shapefile dynamically and lets the user to choose if they require the same data before downloading it.

3 L IST OF S OFTWARE We will be using Adobe Flex, HTML, CSS for User interface development. We will use Apache Solr for searching and indexing our own database. We will use MySql as our database for storing the shapefiles. For business logic we will be using JSP.

4 I NDIVIDUAL W ORK As it is a big project and difficult to segregate but Our own search engine, database and all integration will be handled by Shubham Nigam, User Interface design will be handled by Raihan Jamal. And Metasearch functionality will be handled by Ameya Patil.


6 … CONT ’ D

7 That is a screenshot taken from this website So our screenshot will be similar to the one I pasted and will be having some extra features like meta search engine that is not there in that.

8 S AMPLE DATA We will collect data from different government web sites and mostly from the labs.

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