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Primary Outcomes of the Functional Behaviour Assessment Behaviour Support Plan and Employee Safety Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Outcomes of the Functional Behaviour Assessment Behaviour Support Plan and Employee Safety Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Outcomes of the Functional Behaviour Assessment Behaviour Support Plan and Employee Safety Plan

2 All Behaviour Is Communication What is the child/teen either gaining or avoiding by the behaviour?

3 Functional Behaviour Assessment is …. The process of gathering information about why a child might be behaving in a certain way. and It helps us figure out what the child is trying to communicate. 1 st A clear description of a problem behaviour 2 nd Identification of events, times, and situation # When, Where and With whom the behaviour will likely and will not likely occur. 3 rd Collection of direct observable data 4 th Develop one or more summary statements. Finally Develop a hypothesis, or ‘best guess’ of what the child is either gaining or avoiding by the behaviour(s.) –

4  A clear description of a problem behaviour  Identification of events, times, and situation  Recording of direct observable data

5  Development of one or more summary statements that describe  A ‘best guess’ of what the child is either gaining or avoiding by the behaviour(s.)

6 Collecting Data

7 Anecdotal Record

8 Using T – Charts to teach social skills

9 Data Collection



12 Functional Behaviour Assessment

13 New FBA

14 Behaviour Checklist


16 Behaviour Support Plan



19 Daily Home-School Communication Log

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