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Water management in France Mathieu AHYERRE Seine Normandie Water Agency.

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Presentation on theme: "Water management in France Mathieu AHYERRE Seine Normandie Water Agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water management in France Mathieu AHYERRE Seine Normandie Water Agency

2 The foundations of the french water system  The 1964 water law : creation of water Agencies  The 1992 water law : Master Plans for Water Management  2000 Water Framework Directive

3 Delineated water management roles The State :  Transposition into French right of european directives  Control of the implementation implementation of the legislation (water policies)

4 Delineated water management roles Municipalities responsible for :  all services associated with water  Investment decisions

5 River basin organisation principles  Catchment based  Participation of stakeholders  Investment planning  Polluter-pays principle

6 6 river catchment territories

7 The Seine-Normandy basin 100 000 km 2 8 regions, 25 counties, 8700 municipalities 17 million inhabitants in 2% of the basin area 40 % of national industrial activity 60 % of the basin area cultivated




11 River basin Committees

12 Basin Committee 118 members 45 local authorities rep. 45 stakeholders rep. 21 state rep. 7 professional rep. Water Agency board 35 members 1 President 11 local authorities rep. 11 stakeholders rep. 11 state rep. 1 staff delegate Define the basin water policy Designate the Water Agency Board Approve programs and taxes River basin Committees water parliaments

13 The Seine Normandy water Agency  Public body under the tutelage of the Ministry of Environment, 500 collaborators, 7 regional offices  Helps buildind the Master Plan for Water Management (studies and research)  Helps buildind the Master Plan for Water Management (studies and research)  Implements a financal 5 years program


15  Protect the natural patrimony and water quality  Lower pollution from municipalities, agriculture and industry  Protect drinking water ressources Financal program objectives

16 A two level system of economic incentives  The Water Agency bills on the basis of the level of pollution generated  The Water Agency bills consumers on the basis of the level of pollution generated  The Water Agency reinjects this income in the form of aid to communities, industries and agricultural operations for water  Financial equilibrium in a 5 years financial program

17  Polluters should pay  Purifiers should be helped

18 Aids to improve water quality 622 M€ 68 M€ 9 M€ 23 M€ 73 M€ Water supply 65 M€

19 Example : the Albian water table management  Sedimentary parisian bassin  Sand and clay,75 000 km, 800 m deep,  Sand and clay,75 000 km 2, 800 m deep, 425 billions m 3 425 billions m 3  Protected from surface pollution

20 1996 Master plan for water managment  Inventory of natural patrimony and water uses  Management recommandations  1841 first drilling (160 m3/h)  1996 : 22 Billion m 3 /year

21 Conclusions of the Master plan for water managment  « Albian water table is considered as a strategic water ressource for drinking water rescue and should be safegarded »  Count the drills and volumes  Build a model (BGRM)  Propose management rules  Propose rescue plan

22 Results included in the new master plan  29 Billion m 3 /year  The consequences of new taking of water have to be analysed with the model before giving the autorisation  Drills sould be able to provide 150 m 3 /h for 3 month in rescue situations

23  Good governance : participatory processes for stakeholders and citizen  Legitimacy : who pays decides, water pays water and polluter should pay principle  Democracy : transparency and parliament control, solidarity Conclusion

24 1960 : 6 fish species in Paris 2004 : 25 species

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