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Green Digital Charter Study Tour Welcome to Birmingham November 20, 2015 Heike Schuster-James Program Manager1.

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Presentation on theme: "Green Digital Charter Study Tour Welcome to Birmingham November 20, 2015 Heike Schuster-James Program Manager1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Green Digital Charter Study Tour Welcome to Birmingham November 20, 2015 Heike Schuster-James Program Manager1

2 Smart City Birmingham November 20, 20152

3 Green Digital Charter November 20, 20153  Birmingham co- developer and first wave signatory 2009  Close cooperation internally Climate Change & Sustainability, Digital Birmingham, Property Services  Chapter ‘ICT & Energy Efficiency in the Roadmap’ with 6 actions  Energy data  Building management  Estate management  School premises  Wellbeing and fuel poverty  Intelligent energy infrastructure research

4 Street Lighting  Amey – 25 strategic contract and partnership (PFI)  Improving and maintaining Birmingham’s highways  2500 km of roads  >850 highways structures and bridges  < 100,000 street lights  2010-15 accelerated improvement November 20, 20154

5 Home Logbook  An one-stop online place for social housing tenants  Supporting behaviour change and sustainable tenancies  Take responsibility for own home (payments, heating, ventilation, furnishings)  Work with Family Housing Association includes energy savings advice  Tenant training house offers information about electricity, gas and water usage, each room gives different advice  Direct and indirect carbon savings: landlords save on printed information and have more lasting tenancies, tenants change their behaviour November 20, 20155

6 Smart Spaces  Building Energy Management  3 pilot sites  Training building professionals  Informing building users through website November 20, 20156

7 Thank you Enjoy your Visit! November 20, 20157

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