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APPRENTICESHIP AND WORKPLACE MATHEMATICS 10 “A few activities” Tuesday November 30th, 2010 Rollie Comeau Watson Lake Secondary School Tuesday November.

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Presentation on theme: "APPRENTICESHIP AND WORKPLACE MATHEMATICS 10 “A few activities” Tuesday November 30th, 2010 Rollie Comeau Watson Lake Secondary School Tuesday November."— Presentation transcript:

1 APPRENTICESHIP AND WORKPLACE MATHEMATICS 10 “A few activities” Tuesday November 30th, 2010 Rollie Comeau Watson Lake Secondary School Tuesday November 30th, 2010 Rollie Comeau Watson Lake Secondary School ITSS:

2 ACTIVITY 1 My foot!

3 Activity 1 - My foot! / Specific Outcomes A2 - 2.1 to 2.3 (all in part) / Specific Outcomes A2 - 2.1 to 2.3 (all in part)

4 My Foot!

5 Activity 1 - My foot! (Part 1) / Form groups of three participants Material needed: / Activity 1 - My Foot data sheet / Pen/pencil / Ruler / Calculator

6 Activity 1 - My foot! / Place the Activity 1 - My Foot! data sheet on the floor next to your strong foot (i.e. left foot if you are left- handed)

7 Activity 1 - My foot! / Place the Activity 1 - My Foot! data sheet on the floor next to your strong foot (i.e. left foot if you are left- handed) / Remove your shoe and place foot on the page

8 Activity 1 - My foot! / Remove your shoe and place foot on the page / Trace the contour of your foot

9 Activity 1 - My foot! / Trace the contour of your foot / Put the shoe back on your foot and place the data sheet on your table

10 Activity 1 - My foot! / Put the shoe back on your foot and place the data sheet on your table / Place your strong thumb on the sheet of paper (thumbnail upward). DO NOT press firmly. Draw its outline.

11 Activity 1 - My foot! / Place your strong thumb on the sheet of paper (thumbnail upward). DO NOT press firmly. Draw its outline. / Write your name on top of the page

12 Activity 1 - My foot! / Write your name on top of the page / Determine the longest part of your foot on the sheet. Draw a line segment to show this.

13 Activity 1 - My foot! / Determine the longest part of your foot on the sheet. Draw a line segment to show this. / Determine the length of your foot in millimetres. Write this measurement above the line segment.

14 Activity 1 - My foot! / Determine the length of your foot in millimetres. Write this measurement above the line segment. / Determine the width of your thumb in millimetres.

15 Activity 1 - My foot! / Determine the width of your thumb in millimetres. / Write this measurement inside your thumb’s outline.

16 Activity 1 - My foot! / Write this measurement inside your thumb’s outline. / Exchange data sheet with your partners. Verify their measurements.

17 Activity 1 - My foot! / Exchange data sheet with your partners. Verify their measurements. / Place a checkmark next to their measurement(s), if you approve.

18 Activity 1 - My foot! / Place a checkmark next to their measurement(s) if you approve. / Place your correction(s) if you do not approve the original measurement(s). Place your initials next to the correction(s).

19 Activity 1 - My foot! / Place your correction(s) if you do not approve the original measurement(s). Place your initials next to the correction(s). / As a group, discuss possible corrections.

20 Activity 1 - My foot! / As a group, discuss possible corrections. / Divide the “foot length” by the “thumb width”. Record this quotient as a ratio to the nearest unit (i.e. 11:1 or 12:1) on your data sheet.

21 Activity 1 - My foot! / Divide the “foot length” by the “thumb width”. Record this quotient as a ratio to the nearest unit (i.e. 11:1 or 12:1) on your data sheet. / Send a member of your team to record the findings on the main classroom chalkboard.

22 Activity 1 - My foot! / Send a member of your team to record the findings on the main classroom chalkboard. / Determine the mean ratio for the class.

23 Activity 1 - My foot! / Determine the mean ratio for the class. / Compare this ratio to the imperial “one foot ruler”. / What do you notice?

24 FACT! The English word inch comes from Latin uncia meaning "one twelfth part” The English word inch comes from Latin uncia meaning "one twelfth part”

25 Activity 1 - My foot! (Part 2) / In the second part of this activity, you will start by measuring your arm span…

26 Activity 1 - My foot! / In the second part of this activity, you will start by measuring your arm span… / Partner 1 holds the zero end of the measuring tape at the end of the middle finger of your left hand.

27 Activity 1 - My foot! / Partner 1 holds the zero end of the measuring tape at the end of middle finger of your left hand. / Partner 2 extends the measuring tape to the middle finger of the right hand, behind your back, and determines the length of the arm span in millimetres.

28 Activity 1 - My foot! / Partner 2 extends the measuring tape to the middle finger of the right hand, behind your back, and determines the length of the arm span in millimetres. / Record the measurement. Repeat this procedure for every member of the group.

29 Activity 1 - My foot! / Record the measurement. Repeat this procedure for every member of the group. / Divide the arm span by 2. Record this new value as “Half of my arm span is ____ millimetres.”

30 Activity 1 - My foot! / Divide the arm span by 2. Record this new value as “Half of my arm span is ____ millimetres.” / Divide this new value by your “thumb” width. Record this quotient as: “My yard is ____ times my thumb’s width”

31 Activity 1 - My foot! / Divide this new value by your “thumb” width. Record this quotient as: “My yard is ____ times my thumb’s width” / Send a member of your team to record the findings on the main classroom chalkboard.

32 Activity 1 - My foot! / Send a member of your team to record the findings on the main classroom chalkboard. / Determine the mean ratio for “my yard: my thumb width” for the class (i.e. 35:1 or 36:1)

33 Activity 1 - My foot! / Determine the mean ratio for “my yard: my thumb width” for the class (i.e. 35:1 or 36:1) / What do you notice?

34 Activity 1 - My foot! / Imperial System Fact! / 1 foot is 12 inches / Imperial System Fact! / 1 foot is 12 inches / Imperial System Fact! / 1 yard is 3 feet

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