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SS Notebook Pages Goal 1: Geography/Exploration. Page 3 : Title: UNIT COVER FOR GEOGRAPHY/EXPLORATION Page 2.

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1 SS Notebook Pages Goal 1: Geography/Exploration


3 TITLE: Goals and Expectations of 8 th grade SS Page 5 Homework: Get Community Service Letter Signed Date: Aug. 29/30. 2011 Titles: RESPECT, Test your Knowledge Page 4 RAP: US Map. Use Agenda to help fill in two letter postal code abbreviations WIO: Course Prospectus Assessment WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- Must get me to check off your Homework if you were absent -Prospectus Signed -Student Info Sheet-TURN IN -License plate- TURN IN 3)What is “Respect?” With explanation of Point System 4)“Test your Knowledge” Use Textbook or online sources to help you complete 5)Explanation of Community Service

4 TITLE: Formative 1 and Textbooks Page 7 Homework: Job Application and Today’s WIO Date: Aug. 31/Sept 1 Titles: Textbook Scavenger Hunt Page 6 RAP: Standards Based Assessment NC Book p. 19 #1-3 WIO: Part of HW- but write in here. Go to my website and write down the 1 st Announcement that you see. WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW-Community Service Letter signed 3)SS Formative Test 4)Set up Reference Section in your notebook according to directions provided 5)Assigned Textbooks- make sure I give you one as soon as you come back 6)“Textbook Scavenger Hunt” –Complete using the NC Textbook

5 TITLE: How do regional differences in NC affect its population and economy? Page 9 Homework: Complete NC Map. This will be collected for a grade. *Study for a quiz on NC Geography Date:Sept 2/6 Titles:”NC Geographic Regions, Chapter 1 Vocab, NC Map” Page 8 RAP: Write down everything you know about NC. WIO: Paragraph- collected for a grade. If you invited a friend from a foreign country, which region of NC would you take them to and why? Need at least 3 reasons. Complete on Notecard WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- WIO p. 6 and collected Job Application. BE sure I see these so I can give you credit 3)“NC Geographic Regions” –Complete Graphic organizer using NC Book 4)“Chapter 1 Vocab” Complete definitions for sections 1, 2, and 3 in Chapter 1 5) “NC Map”

6 TITLE:How did the Native Americans in NC impact settlement of the region? Page11 Homework: Ch. 2 Vocab. Complete sections 1-2. Put on page 11 of NB. Date:Sept 7/8, 2011 Titles:”NC Native Americans, Chapter 2 Vocab, Page 10 RAP: NC Geography Review WIO: Paragraph-What do you think Explorers thought when they encountered the Native Americans? What potential problems could you see occurring between the two groups WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW-Collect NC Map 3)“NC Native Americans” -Cornell Notes from PPT -Native American Jigsaw- I have attached notes for you 4) WIO

7 TITLE: Why did Europeans 1 st explore North American and NC and what were the consequences? Page13 Homework: Complete Columbian Exchange WS and study for quiz on Ch. 1-3 Vocab. Date:Sept 9/12, 2011 Titles:”The Atlantic World, Exploration Notes, Explorer Matrix, Culture Exchange” Page 12 RAP: Explorer Anticipation Guide WIO: Beliefs Comparison WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW-Check HW- Ch. 2 Vocab. Put on page 11 3)“The Atlantic World” classzone. Go to and find the American History Textbook. Find the animation “The Atlantic World” 4)“Exploration Notes”- I have attached for you. The causes for exploration go in the ships sails. 5)“Explorer Matrix” Read through and highlight key terms. Draw a symbol to represent each explorer 6)“Culture Exchange” Use notes sheet provided to write in two notes and draw a symbol for each exchange.

8 TITLE: How and why did England first attempt to establish a colony in NC? Page15 Homework: Complete Raleigh Flipchart Date: Sept 13/14, 2011 Titles: “Columbian Exchange” “The Lost Colony” “Raleigh’s Expeditions” Page 14 RAP: “English Sea Dogs” NC Book p. 60 WHO: WHAT: WHEN: WHERE: WHY: WIO: Make up a Quiz on The Lost Colony. Need at least 4 matching questions and 1 short answer WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Columbian Exchange” 3)Culture Exchange from last class-make sure it is complete 4)Ch. 1-3 Vocabulary Quiz 5)“The Lost Colony”- video guide. I have attached a key. 6)“Raleigh’s Expeditions” Flipchart -I have attached rubric and instruction sheet -Began working on in class -Will be a Project Grade

9 TITLE: How do you prepare for a History Test? Page17 Homework: Study for Test, Prepare NB for Notebook Check Date: Sept 15/16, 2011 Titles: “Review Guide for Goal 1” Page 16 RAP: Brainstorm of ways to study for the test next class WIO: What topic do you believe you need to go back and study for your test in order to feel the most confident you can? WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- Raleigh Expedition Flipchart 3)“Goal 1 Review Guide”- I have attached a key for you to study 4)Review of past topics that teacher/student felt needed more time 5)Study Groups- Write 2 possible questions on test from each day. (We have had 7 days=14 questions). Work in groups to ask each other these questions 6)Unit Cover- p. 3 of notebook. Divide paper into 4 sections. Section Titles: NC Geography, Exploration, Native Americans, Raleigh’s Expeditions. Each section should have 5 vocab words listed and one picture.

10 TITLE: Test and Quizzes Page 19 Date: Sept 19/20, 2011 Titles: “Unit Cover for Colonization” Page 18 Geo Quiz Ch. 1-3 Vocab Quiz Test Scantron 1) You need to make up the TEST and NOTEBOOK CHECK if you were Absent! Do this in the morning from 7:15-7:45 or during Working Lunch or Wednesday during Recharge. Please let me know what you are choosing to do. 2) Complete the Review Assignment on separate sheet of paper and put on page 18 3) Homework: CH.5 Vocabulary (24 Words)

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