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Session 6 - Sensor Modelling

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1 Session 6 - Sensor Modelling
MIO400S Mechatronic Design and Simulation  (Mathematical Modelling) Session 6 - Sensor Modelling

2 What is a Sensor? It is a device that receives and responds to a signal or stimulus. Examples Position sensor Temperature sensor Speed sensor Voltmeter Microphone

3 Sensor Components A sensor usually consists of The Sensor
The conditioning circuit Both need to be modelled Inaccuracies need to be modelled Random errors Systematic errors (bias) Dynamic response

4 Sensors Contd Other characteristics of Sensors may need to be modelled
Input Range Sensitivity Linearity Hysterisis Sample rate Slew rate Noise

5 Sensors Contd Dynamic response
Response to a changing signal is different to that of a steady state input The response “lags” - this is due to energy storing components in the sensor. Examples Intertia Capacitance Inductance

6 Sensors Contd Types of Dynamic behavior of sensors
Web resource 1. Zero order – responds instantaneously 2. First order – Example a Voltage sensor with an RC circuit as a filter How do we models this – we will use the RC circuit example The differential equation for this is DV/dT = (1/RC)[Vin - Vc]

7 Sensors Contd This equation is modelled in Xcos/Simulink as follows
Step Input V Integrator Gain 1/RC dV/dt V Feedback If this is plotted we see the RC curve

8 Sensors Contd 3. Second order – Example a mass spring damper
How do we models this The differential equation for this is Where Xddot is the acceleration A of mass m And Xdot is the Velocity V of the mass And x is the displacement

9 Sensors Contd This is modelled in the following way
Produces a plot as follows

10 DC Motor Simulation Example
The parameters of a measured DC motor as [resented in And were Where Input V = Source voltage Output I = current w = angular velocity Parameters R = Resistance (1 Ohm) L = Inductance (0.1H) J = Inertia (0.01kg*m2/s2) K = Ke = Kt = EMF Force constant (0.05Nm/Amp) b = damping ratio (or viscous friction)0.1Nms

11 DC Motor Contd 1 The motor torque, T, is related to the armature current, i, by a constant factor Kt. The back emf, e, is related to the rotational velocity by the following equations: T = Ki Back emf e = K w Therefore J dw/dt + b w = Ki L di/dt + Ri = V - Kw

12 DC Motor Contd 2

13 DC Motor Contd 3

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