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 Turn in your work, pick up the organizer and consider this question  Why do we have 3 branches of government? What purpose does this serve? ◦ Write.

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Presentation on theme: " Turn in your work, pick up the organizer and consider this question  Why do we have 3 branches of government? What purpose does this serve? ◦ Write."— Presentation transcript:

1  Turn in your work, pick up the organizer and consider this question  Why do we have 3 branches of government? What purpose does this serve? ◦ Write down your thoughts at the top of your paper

2 A Review of the Constitution



5  What is a compromise?  Is it a good thing or a bad thing?  Why do we do it?

6  Ratification- making something valid or put something into effect by giving verbal or written consent

7  Representation in Congress ◦ House of Representatives- based on population- benefited big states ◦ Senate- all states equal- 2 senators each- benefited small states  Slavery ◦ South- 3/5ths Compromise- right to count each slave as 3/5s of a person towards their population total ◦ North- promise that the slave trade would end by 1807

8  Congress submitted the new Constitution to the states for approval ◦ Needed 9 of 13 states to ratify it ◦ Fear of what the big states would do ◦ Allowed the opportunity for debate on a national scale

9  85 newspaper essays from 1787-88  Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, George Washington  In favor of the Constitution  Major Arguments ◦ Strong central government is necessary ◦ Checks and balances limit its power sufficiently ◦ The Necessary and Proper clause is needed ◦ Afraid that bill of rights would limit individual rights

10  Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Melancton Smith  Against the Constitution  Not as well unified or organized as the Federalists  Major Arguments ◦ Fear that this new government would become too powerful- monarchy ◦ The Necessary and Proper clause is too vague ◦ Need list of rights- protect people from tyranny

11  You know the Constitution now, so what do you think? ◦ Try to put yourself in their place ◦ Which argument do you agree with?

12  By July 1788, 11 states had ratified- all except North Carolina and Rhode Island  Massachusetts- only under the condition that a list of rights be added  Last 2 join by 1790

13  "I do not expect the Constitution to last for more than 20 years." - George Washington  Oldest Constitution in the world today  Broad structure- but also has the ability to adapt and adjust ◦ Option for interpretation  From then to today- many changes ◦ State vs Federal dominance, power of the Presidency, political parties

14  To Summarize today’s lecture, You need to create a T-Chart to compare/contrast the Federalists and Anti-Federalists ◦ Each group’s position on the Constitution ◦ At least 1 member of each group-(Federalists and Anti-Federalists) ◦ 2 major arguments of each group  Due at the start of class tomorrow

15  Political Party- group of people similar opinions on how government should function who attempt to control the government  Not established in the Constitution, but have become essential in how we function  What each party supports has flip-flopped several times. ◦ Confusing much?

16  Originally started with Thomas Jefferson in 1792 ◦ Against powerful government  Today- in general! ◦ Big government- powerful and involved ◦ Liberal on social issues  Liberal- open to new behavior and willing to discard tradition

17  Started in 1854 as an anti-slavery party  Today- in general! ◦ Limited Government ◦ Conservative on social issues  Conservative- holding onto traditional attitudes and values.  Where are you on the spectrum?

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