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Mind Stretcher - 1. A resource so scarce that it limits the size of a populations is called a(n)_________________. 2. List two adaptations predators use.

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Presentation on theme: "Mind Stretcher - 1. A resource so scarce that it limits the size of a populations is called a(n)_________________. 2. List two adaptations predators use."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mind Stretcher - 1. A resource so scarce that it limits the size of a populations is called a(n)_________________. 2. List two adaptations predators use to catch prey. 3. List two ways prey have adapted to avoid predators. Limiting factor Speed, Eyesight, large size Camouflage, defensive chemicals, or Warning colors

2 Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling

3 Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling Notes:
What is a carbon atom? #6 on the periodic table. It’s symbol is “C”. All living organisms are based on the carbon atom. Carbon atoms continually move through living organisms, the oceans, the atmosphere, and the crust of the planet.


5 What are the basics of the carbon cycle?
Plants use carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight to make sugar molecules and oxygen. Animals take in oxygen and break down sugar molecules releasing energy, carbon dioxide, and water.

6 Simple picture

7 6H2O + 6CO2 ----------> C6H12O6+ 6O2
How do plants do it? Photosynthesis! The process by which producers use the energy from sunlight to produce sugar, which consumers convert to "fuel“. 6H2O + 6CO > C6H12O6+ 6O2 6 molecules of water + 6 molecules of carbon dioxide = 1 molecule of sugar + 6 molecules of oxygen

8 What happens when plants can’t absorb all the carbon we produce?
Carbon builds up in our atmosphere and oceans. This may be a cause of Global Warming. Global Warming Results OCEANS

9 Carbon Cycle Summary Summarize the Carbon Cycle.
Name two things you can do to lower the amount of Carbon in the atmosphere.

10 Nitrogen Atoms All life requires nitrogen. (protein and DNA are just a few uses) Air is 79% nitrogen gas (N2). Nitrogen Movie

11 Nitrogen Cycling Basics
Most organisms cannot use nitrogen in the form N2 or “Free Nitrogen”. It must be combined with other molecules or “Fixed”. This is done by bacteria who live in “nodules” on plant roots. This is an example of mutualism! Lightning also fixes Nitrogen.

12 Simple Picture

13 Remember…… Water, Carbon, and Nitrogen are all necessary to living things. All three are types of matter. All three are constantly being cycled through producers, consumers, decomposers, and the environment.

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