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sysinternals demo sysinternals.

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4 sysinternals








12 demo

13 sysinternals


15 demo

16 sysinternals


18 ProcDump command line syntax

19 Which process to monitor and target dump file….

20 ProcDump command line syntax procdump [-c percent [-u]] [-s n] [-n count] [-m commit] [-h] [-e [1] [-b]] [-t] [-p counter threshold] [-ma | -mp] [-r] [-o] [-64] { {processname | PID} [dumpfile] | -x {imagefile} {dumpfile} [arguments] } Dump criteria…

21 ProcDump command line syntax procdump [-c percent [-u]] [-s n] [-n count] [-m commit] [-h] [-e [1]] [-t] [-p counter threshold] [-ma | -mp] [-r] [-o] [-64] { {processname | PID} [dumpfile] | -x {imagefile} {dumpfile} [arguments] } How to dump the process state…

22 demo

23 sysinternals



26 demo

27 sysinternals


29 demo

30 sysinternals



33 bonus tracks


35 Autoruns command line syntax


37 OptionDescription -cPrint output as CSV. -xPrint output as XML. -vVerify digital signatures. -mHide Microsoft entries. -z systemroot userprofileSpecifies the offline system to scan userSpecifies the name of the user account for which autostart entries will be shown. Autostart types -aShow all entries. -bShow boot execute entries. -dShow Appinit DLLs. -eShow Explorer addons. -gShow Sidebar gadgets (Vista and higher). -hShow Image hijacks. -iShow Internet Explorer addons. -kShow Known DLLs. -lShow Logon autostart entries (this is the default). -nShow Winsock protocol and network providers. -oShow Codecs. -pShow Print monitor DLLs. -rShow LSA security providers. -sShow services and drivers. -tShow Scheduled Tasks. -wShow Winlogon entries.


39 OptionDescription Target Process and Dump File processnameName of the target process. Must be unique instance and already running. PIDProcess ID of the target process. dumpfileName of dump file. Optional if process is already running; required if using –x. -xStart the target process, using imagefile and command line arguments. imagefileName of executable file to launch. argumentsOptional command line arguments to pass to new process. Dump Criteria -c percentCPU usage above which to capture a dump. -uUsed with –c to scale threshold against number of CPUs present. -s n Used with –c, sets duration of high CPU usage to trigger a dump. Used with –p, sets duration of a performance counter threshold exceeded to trigger a dump. Used with –n and no other dump criteria, dumps process every n seconds. -n countUsed with –c, –s or –p, specifies number of dumps to capture. -m commitSpecifies commit charge limit in MB at which to capture a dump. -hCapture a dump when a hung window is detected. -eCapture a dump when an unhandled exception occurs. If followed with 1, also captures a dump on a first-chance exception. -bUsed with –e, treats breakpoints as exceptions. Otherwise it ignores them. -tCapture a dump when the process terminates. -p counter thresholdCaptures a dump when the named performance counter exceeds the threshold. Dump File Options -maInclude all process memory in the dump. -mp“Miniplus”: creates the equivalent of a full dump but with large allocations omitted. -rReflect (clone) the process for the dump to minimize the time the process is suspended. (Requires Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 or higher.) -oOverwrite an existing dump file. -64Create a 64-bit dump of the target process. (x64 editions of Windows only.)

40 OptionDescription Object Type -dObject name represents a container; report permissions on that object rather than on its contents -kObject name represents a registry key -cObject name represents a Windows service -pObject name is the PID or (partial) name of a process -fUsed with –p, shows full process token information for specified process -oObject name represents an object in the Windows object manager namespace -t Used with –o, -t type specifies the object type Used with –p, reports permissions for the process’ threads -aObject name represents an account right Searching for Access Rights -sRecurse container hierarchy -nShow only objects that grant no access (usually used with user-or-group) -wShow only objects that grant Write access -rShow only objects that grant Read access -eShow only objects that have explicitly set integrity levels (Vista and higher) Output -lShows Access Control List (ACL) rather than effective permissions -uSuppress errors -vVerbose -qQuiet (suppresses banner)


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