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Successfully Presenting Your Microsoft Project Reports

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Presentation on theme: "Successfully Presenting Your Microsoft Project Reports"— Presentation transcript:

1 Successfully Presenting Your Microsoft Project Reports

2 Objectives Translate your project details into a brief summary which clearly conveys the project plan/status What to include in a project status report Presenting one or more projects on a single page, at a high level Reports: Highlighting milestones and project/phase/task hierarchies Link ancillary data to your report Distribution: Web, reader, Word, PowerPoint Milestones only Critical path Finish dates Budget/Cost Multi-tier reports Earned value Key milestones roll-up Stoplight at-a-glance status

3 Delivery Mediums What are your options? Printed Gantt chart
Microsoft Project reports Earned Value Report Critical Tasks Report

4 Delivery Mediums Drawing packages: PowerPoint, Visio, Excel

5 Delivery Mediums 3rd Party Tools: Milestones Professional, Milestones Project Companion, PERT Chart Expert, WBS Chart Pro,… Manually draw from MSP data Export into another tool Automate with a custom program

6 What to include in a project status report
Whatever “they” tell you to Baseline/Current finish dates Major milestones Percent complete status Delivery dates

7 What to include in a project status report
Phase status (drill-down)

8 What to include in a project status report
Phase status (drill-down) Planned and current costs Forecasted costs

9 What to include in a project status report
Phase status (drill-down) Planned and current costs Forecasted costs Earned value

10 From Project details to presentation summary
How do you get from here... Manually draw from MSP data Export into another tool Automate with a custom program here?

11 Create presentation reports using Milestones
MS Project-to-Milestones Professional import wizard

12 Critical tasks report There can’t be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full. --Henry Kissinger Report status of critical tasks, only, by importing

13 Critical tasks report Highlight critical tasks within all tasks
Filter for critical tasks

14 Finish dates report When will it be finished? Display all finish dates
Finish dates rolled-up Finish date milestones Stoplight status: Not started In progress Complete Percent Complete

15 Finish dates report Display all finish dates Finish dates rolled-up

16 Budget status report A budget takes the fun out of money.
— Mason Cooley, U.S. aphorist Budget, cost, variance Graph by time period & cumulative

17 Reporting earned value
Earned value for the “detailed numbers person”

18 Reporting earned value
Earned value for the visual (graph), numbers (columns), and spatial (timeline)

19 Baseline and current dates
The best-laid schemes of mice and men Often go awry, And leave us nothing but grief and pain, Instead of promised joy! — Robert Burns Juxtapose baseline and current dates

20 Baseline and current dates
Juxtapose baseline and current finish dates as dates, milestones, and stoplights

21 Baseline and current dates
Juxtapose baseline and current task bars, start/finish dates and duration

22 Baseline and current dates
Juxtapose baseline and current costs as values, graph, and stoplights

23 At-a-glance stoplight reports
In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. —Dwight D. Eisenhower Shapes and colors to indicate health

24 Highlight milestones and schedule hierarchies
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. —Henry Ford In a sea of start dates, end dates, rows of activities, and columns of data, how can the major milestones and activity rows stand out? Move major milestones to summary lines Enlarge the physical size of the milestone Use striking colors, like red Circle major milestones Use shapes which convey a sense of a major event Use a column which marks major tasks Filter to display only the major activities Shade by outline level

25 Multi-tiered reports from multiple source files
Some people are much more... oh, ever so much more... oh, muchly much much more unlucky than you. —Dr. Theodor Seuss Geisel

26 Multi-tiered reports from multiple source files
Transform lots of project files... ...into mid-management reports... ...and one top level report of key milestones from the mid-level reports...

27 Multi-tiered reports from multiple source files
Keep mid- and top-level reports up-to-date Filtered Source Files Mid-Level Project Presentation Schedules Top-Level Project Presentation Schedule IMPORT LINK KEY DATES REFRESH REFRESH Update with changes Update with changes

28 Detailed Source Schedules Mid-Level Reports of Key Source Data
Top-Level Report of Key Mid-Level Data Project A Import filtered data Project B & C Import filtered data Project D Import filtered data Project E Import filtered data

29 Link other data to your report
The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. —Albert Einstein Challenge: Fit lots of data into a single page Cost spreadsheets More detailed schedules Research reports PERT charts AutoCAD drawings Solution: Link from symbols to documents for quick access

30 Link other data to your report
AutoCAD drawing attached to the Design end date Link other data to your report Research Report attached to the Research start date MS Project schedule with detailed Production data Financials Report attached to the status milestone

31 Distribute and share your presentation
Web page of high-level report with drill-down

32 Distribute and share your presentation
Open with reader (Adobe, Milestones) Paste into PowerPoint or Word Upload to a shared e-room

33 Is your presentation ready for prime-time?
The project report is: Objective Clear and concise Easily interpreted Able to drill-down to details from the summary Able to show impact when dates or values change Separated into distinct areas of focus

34 Questions and Answers

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