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Measures taken as response to the crisis Highlights of ReferNet Country reports, May 2009 INNOVE seminar Tallinn 9.6.2009 Matti Kyrö ReferNet Finland matti.kyro[at]

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Presentation on theme: "Measures taken as response to the crisis Highlights of ReferNet Country reports, May 2009 INNOVE seminar Tallinn 9.6.2009 Matti Kyrö ReferNet Finland matti.kyro[at]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Measures taken as response to the crisis Highlights of ReferNet Country reports, May 2009 INNOVE seminar Tallinn 9.6.2009 Matti Kyrö ReferNet Finland matti.kyro[at]

2 Economic crisis, general features  Unemployment increased  In all countries, but especially in countries like Latvia, Lithuania  Short-time work, lay-offs increased  Policy aims to encourage employers to invest on training instead of dismissing employees  Countries where employers can be prepared for future upswing, for instance Austria, Finland

3 Economic crisis, general features Less negative impact on VET in countries where VET system is public and/or school-based Problems to find places for practical training in branches like construction, automotive industries, technology industries In many countries the number of new students in VET has increased

4 Measures already taken Increase in provision of VET Public financial support for training to employers who want to keep people employed More financial support to unemployed and vulnerable groups Measures to secure practical training Renewal of whole VET system Stress on short-time work and lay-offs

5 Measures already taken  Austria  Extended educational leave (decided before the crisis)  Short-time work and qualification grant  Belgium  More intensive stimulation of innovations  Tax reductions  Action plan for future engineers (Flanders)  Cyprus  Emphasis on helping unemployed

6 Measures already taken  Czech republic  Get into training project  Training is a chance project  Estonia  Study places allotted to adults who are contemplating career change or want to raise their qualification level  Practical training in workshops of schools  Finland  Increased number of study places  More financial support to employers who take and train apprentices  More stress on anticipation of skill needs

7 Measures already taken  Greece  Financial support to training of unemployed in specific occupations  Training in “green occupations”  Training in basic ICT skills  Hungary  4+1 (3+2) employment and training programme  Iceland  Increase in provision of VET with state financial support  Germany  Economic short-time work benefit

8 Measures already taken  Ireland  Employer Based Redundant Apprentice Rotation Scheme  Additional measures for training of unemployed  Italy  Ad hoc training modules  Social support for vulnerable groups  Latvia  Improving efficiency and effectiveness of vocational education funding and the delivery  Decentralisation of decision-making power  Strengthening evaluation, regulation and accountability in the education system

9 Measures already taken  Lithuania  Plan for stimulation of economy  Programme for the development of practical VET resources  Netherlands  Social Agreement  Part-time unemployment  Regional mobility centres  Norway  Temporary increase of the apprenticeship subsidy

10 Measures already taken  Poland  Planned reform of VET  Romania  Investment and Employment Initiative  Support to economic activity  Slovakia  National Project “100“  Support for citizens at risk of mass dismissal  Guidance and support for employees at risk of job loss  Training of citizens at risk of mass dismissal

11 Measures already taken  Slovenia  Planned measures for raising level of education and training  Training of unemployed  Romania  Investment and Employment Initiative  Support to economic activity  Spain  Excellence of VET  Recognition of experience  Increase in supply

12 Measures already taken Sweden Adult VET initiative Apprenticeship training United Kingdom Apprenticeship 'Clearing House’ Financial package of government

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