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1 Decennial Census Ed Christopher Resource Center Planning Team Federal Highway Administration 4749 Lincoln Mall Dr. Rm 600 Matteson, IL 60443 708-283-3534.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Decennial Census Ed Christopher Resource Center Planning Team Federal Highway Administration 4749 Lincoln Mall Dr. Rm 600 Matteson, IL 60443 708-283-3534."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Decennial Census Ed Christopher Resource Center Planning Team Federal Highway Administration 4749 Lincoln Mall Dr. Rm 600 Matteson, IL 60443 708-283-3534 What happens every 10 years and is the single most important undertaking of every person in the US population? For a free copy of these slides go to

2 2 They Get Counted Every 10 years the Census Bureau Counts the population (Short Form) Samples our characteristics (Long Form) Now just called The Census Form

3 3 Census (Short) Form 10 Questions Name Sex Age Relationship Hispanic Origin Race Owner/Renter Telephone Number Part Time Residency April Residents 100% Population count First Census 1790 Constitutionally Mandated Sets Congressional Seats Mandatory Participation $100 fine failing to respond $500 fine for lying 2010 is the 23 rd Headcount Census Day became April 1 st in 1930

4 4 2010 Census Day - APRIL 1st February — March 2011 S tate detailed data released Late December 2010 State totals released May through July Non-responding homes visited April 10- May 21 Workers distribute and collect forms in prisons, barracks, dorms and nursing homes April 1-10 Second forms mailed to non-responding homes March 29-31 Workers count homeless people at shelters, soup kitchens/food vans, and selected outdoor locations (Under Freeway Bridges) March 22-24 Reminder postcards mailed March 15-17 Census Forms mailed to most homes March 8-10 Advance letters mailed to most homes Feb 17-19 Advance letters mailed to areas where forms will be delivered in person

5 55 Mail Back Rates 72% Overall

6 6 Latest Word Mail back response 72% As of June 28: 99.6% of nonresponse forms completed June 28 – “Today, in about 50-60 offices, we began a quality assurance operation that double-checks units judged to be vacant on April 1. It also checks units that we couldn’t find and were recommended to be deleted from our list. Finally, it will call on a set of addresses that were added late to the list and couldn’t be visited during nonresponse followup. This operation will visit about 15 million units and last about a month or so, using about 300,000 enumerators.”

7 7

8 88 Urban Areas Urbanized Areas (50,000+) circa 1950 Urban Clusters (2,500 to 49,999) circa 2000 Sets Census Defined Urban Areas

9 99 (Census Defined) Urban Area (UA) Population + $$$ Federal-Aid (Adjusted) Urban[ized] Area (FAUA) Functional Class Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) MPO Jurisdiction What do we do with the Urban Areas? We take the Urbanized Areas and make MPOs out of them

10 10 100K - Threshold Grandfathering 200K - Project Selection Authority 1 Million+ Special Funding and Requirements NARC - Status Quo AASHTO - Somewhat Vague FHWA - Internal House - Senate - What’s an MPO?

11 11 Status of Census Urban Areas Summer 2010 CB seeks comments on criteria for defining UAs in Federal Register Spring 2012 New Urbanized Areas and Urban Clusters released June 11, 2010 webinar on UA Criteria

12 12 Basis for other things Geographic Public Use Microdata Areas TAZs &TADs New Tracts and Block Groups Metro/Micropolitan Statistical Areas

13 13 PUMAs? -- What are they? PUMAs are the zones used for PUMS data Public Use Microdata Sample PUMS data is based on individual census records and is available only at large geographic areas. Think of the PUMS dataset as the raw, disaggregate census sample data, at a large enough geographic level necessary to protect the confidentiality of the census respondent. ACS Sample Standard Tabs PUMS Records

14 14 Why are PUMAs Important? Normal ACS Annual Data ● Annual Data ● 65K+ ● Note the areas in gray ● We call this Swiss Cheese NE Illinois (2008 pop estimate) Chicago

15 15 Why are PUMAs Important? NE Illinois (PUMAs) PUMAs are a Tabulation Area for Annual ACS Data ● Represent 100K ● Complete Coverage ● Smaller than Counties ● NO Swiss Cheese

16 16 How many PUMAs should this area have? City of Chicago 2000 PUMAs 2,896,016 (2000 Pop) Why are PUMAs Important? - Defines areas for analysis - Tabulation Area for ACS Who Defines Them? - The Community - Led by State Data Center When are They Defined? - S ummer 2011 - Criteria out Spring 2010???

17 17 2010 Standards for Delineating Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas; June 28, 2010 Text: PDF: Metro and Micropolitan Statistical Areas Eliminating Local Option on interchange between 15 and 25% Limit updates after 2013 update to new areas and doing a big update in 2018 Delineate not Define areas Laid out naming criteria

18 18 Summary December 2010 State pop totals due out February-March 2011 (P.L. 94-171) State by State population details June 2011 to August 2011 Summary File 1 (SF1) Spring 2012 (Urbanized Areas released) October 2012 Urban-Rural Update (pop and housing unit counts)

19 19 For a free copy of these slides go to It cost a lot so use it

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