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2005 Paul VanRaden, John Cole, Duane Norman, Mel Tooker, and Jan Wright Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville,

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Presentation on theme: "2005 Paul VanRaden, John Cole, Duane Norman, Mel Tooker, and Jan Wright Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville,"— Presentation transcript:

1 2005 Paul VanRaden, John Cole, Duane Norman, Mel Tooker, and Jan Wright Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD Update on Inbreeding, Herd by Sire Effects, and New Traits

2 NAAB DSEC 2005 (2) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Topics  Inbreeding adjustments  Herd by sire interaction variance  PTA’s for potential traits of interest Maturity (lactations 1-3 before 1999, animal model) Persistency (13 mil records, animal model) Age at 1 st calf (1.1 mil records, 5109 sires) Gestation length (1.2 mil records, 3451 sires) Milking speed (survey of AI company PTA’s)  Definition of productive life

3 NAAB DSEC 2005 (3) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Expected and Actual Inbreeding Bull 1998 Dtrs 2005 Dtrs 1998 Dtr F 2005 Dtr F 1998 EFI 2005 EFI Winchester59277442. Fred63243323. Rubytom52207623. Jolt50183103.55.05.8 Zebo55181152. Marty54176284. Top 100 Avg6382203.

4 NAAB DSEC 2005 (4) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Elite Cows  Nov 2004 compared to March 2005 Cow F increased from 5.0% to 5.2% Cow EFI decreased from 5.5% to 5.4 Sample cow EFI = 5.0% for 600 Holsteins Base EFI (cows born in 2000) – 4.7% +-.6% for Holsteins – 5.7% +- 1.0% for Brown Swiss – 6.7% +- 1.4% for Jerseys  EFI in selection and mating programs

5 NAAB DSEC 2005 (5) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Inbreeding of US Daughters (Proven Holstein bulls born since 1994) Bull OriginBulls Pedigree Compl.Dtr FEFI USA894199.94.25.1 Canada35599.54.35.0 Netherlands3999.94.34.8 France2599.44.54.7 Great Britain899.54.55.1 Italy698.04.75.1 Denmark6100.04.45.6

6 NAAB DSEC 2005 (6) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Inbreeding Math  Subtract regression (b) from y YD 0 = y - m - p - c - b (F cow ) DYD 0 = Σ w (YD 0 - mate PTA 0 ) / Σ w  Add expected future inbreeding (EFI) PTA EFI = PTA 0 + b (EFI - EFI base ) PA EFI = PA 0 + b (EFI - EFI base ) DYD EFI = DYD 0 + b (EFI - EFI base )  Account for F in w and in reliability?

7 NAAB DSEC 2005 (7) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Interactions for Famous Old Bulls (Milk pounds, from VanRaden et al 1992 JDS 75:2892) Bull Mars Tony BellElevationAstronaut Sire effect Mars Tony-1430+79-871+26+884 Bell+79-1371+97-88+1714 Elevation-871+97-1560+174+344 Astronaut+26-88+174-1250-400 MGS effect+442+857+172-200

8 NAAB DSEC 2005 (8) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Number of Cows per Interaction (from VanRaden et al 1992 JDS 75:2892) Bull Mars Tony BellElevationAstronaut Mars Tony18811167634 Bell131997351 Elevation344215 Astronaut(half stored)35

9 NAAB DSEC 2005 (9) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Herd × Sire Var: Daughters / Herd 5% H×S 7% H×S 10% H×S

10 NAAB DSEC 2005 (10) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Maximum Daughters / Herd Traith2h2 c2c2 p2p2 Maximum Yield301015 9 (new) 30 71812 DPR4 1 898 (new) 44525 PL8 5 019 SCS12 51819 h 2 = heritability, c 2 = herd by sire interaction, p 2 = permanent environment variance

11 NAAB DSEC 2005 (11) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Age at First Calf: Best Bulls (99% R) Bull Age at 1 st calf (days) Avg. Age (mo)DPR Merv- 926+0.8 Rudolph- 926+2.1 Indy- 826+0.1 Duster- 726+2.2 Sand- 726- 0.5 Spencer- 7270.0 Top Gun- 727+1.7

12 NAAB DSEC 2005 (12) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Age at First Calf: Worst Bulls (99% R) Bull Age at 1 st calf (days) Avg. Age (mo)DPR Raider+ 927+2.0 Marksman+ 827- 1.3 Skybuck+ 827+1.2 Activate+ 727- 2.7 Man+ 727- 2.0 Sandwater+ 727+1.6 Choice+ 727- 1.1

13 NAAB DSEC 2005 (13) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Longest Gestation Length (as trait of daughters, 99% REL bulls) Bull Gestation Length Sire C. Ease Daughter C. Ease Stylist2.11013 Dixie1.989 Manager1.8811 Benefit1.8811 Mark Star1.798 Caveman1.7910 Mandel1.799

14 NAAB DSEC 2005 (14) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Shortest Gestation Length (as trait of daughters, 99% REL bulls) Bull Gestation Length Sire C. Ease Daughter C. Ease Echo- 2.458 Script- 2.377 Goliath- 2.0710 Magician- 2.0711 Elite- 2.065 Wine- 1.959 Billy- 1.959

15 NAAB DSEC 2005 (15) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 High Maturity PTA Bulls (500 dtrs by 1999 and 5000 dtrs by 2005) Bull Milk Maturity PTA 1,2,3 – 1 PTA Milk PTA PL Langs+619+4621.1 Cash+510+162.8 Whamo+395-4922.1 Black Jack+372-935.6 Labelle+372+611.8 Horton+361-492-.9 Mich+358-605.1

16 NAAB DSEC 2005 (16) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Low Maturity PTA Bulls (500 dtrs by 1999 and 5000 dtrs by 2005) Bull Milk Maturity PTA 1,2,3 – 1 PTA Milk PTA PL Mason-453+27-1.1 Bellwood-436+1085-.8 Mascot-397-179-3.3 Mister Bova-369-32+.6 Jackpot-339-529-.9 Nick-335-586-.1 Emory-290+497+.1

17 NAAB DSEC 2005 (17) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 PTA Persistency of Top Net Merit Bulls (99% REL) Bull Protein PersistencyNM$DPR R Boone-.17522- 0.5 JC Fagan+.14426+2.9 BW Marshall-.23425- 2.0 Orion-.18404+0.1 Addison-.10403- 2.1 Mtoto-.13397+0.9 Manfred+.14375+2.0

18 NAAB DSEC 2005 (18) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Cow with Average Persistency

19 NAAB DSEC 2005 (19) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Highest Cow Persistency

20 NAAB DSEC 2005 (20) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Lowest Cow Persistency

21 NAAB DSEC 2005 (21) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Milking Speed Survey  Current US AI evaluations Select Sires: 1-9 scale Genex CRI: 1-9 scale Accelerated Genetics: 1-5 scale Alta Genetics: actual time, 4.5 +-.2  Milking speed in foreign indexes DNK 6%, AUS 3%, CAN <1%

22 NAAB DSEC 2005 (22) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Current PL Credits 203451 Y E A R S 20 140 40 60 80 100 120 0 P e r c e n t C r e d i t

23 NAAB DSEC 2005 (23) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Possible PL Credits 203451 Y E A R S 20 140 40 60 80 100 120 0 P e r c e n t C r e d i t

24 NAAB DSEC 2005 (24) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Proposed PL Credits Month of Lactation Lac13579111315 3+

25 NAAB DSEC 2005 (25) VanRaden, Cole, Norman, Tooker, Wright 2005 Productive Life Research  Upper limits on lactation length and age can be removed  New projection factors derived  36 month PL vs final PL Genetic correlation =.87 Genetic corr with protein.14 vs.00 – Has declined rapidly in recent years – Phenotypic correlations are fairly stable – Adjustment for yield may be needed

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