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Percentage Yield (again)

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1 Percentage Yield (again)

2 CaCO3 = CaO + CO2 FM: 100 56 44 Simple PERCENTAGE YIELD calculation
LIMESTONE (calcium carbonate) is used to make QUICKLIME (calcium oxide) for cement making RAM Ca 40 O 16 C 12 CaCO3 = CaO CO2 FM: So, THEORETICALLY, 100 tonnes of limestone should produce 56 tonnes of quicklime. BUT the ACTUAL YIELD is only 48 tonnes So..the PERCENTAGE YIELD is only 48 x 100 = 87.5% 56 Why? – next slide

3 Very few chemical reactions have a yield of 100% because:
The raw materials (eg limestone) may not be pure Some of the products may be left behind in the apparatus The reaction may not have completely finished Some reactants may give some unexpected products Careful planning and design of the equipment and reaction conditions can help keep % yield high

4 The chemical reaction above produced 70g of Magnesium Oxide
Apply your knowledge: RAM Mg 24 Fe 56 C 12 O 16 2Mg O → 2MgO RFM: The chemical reaction above produced 70g of Magnesium Oxide

5 Trickier……. Fe2O CO → 2Fe + 3CO2 320g of iron oxide made 200g of Iron. What is the percentage yield in this reaction?

6 Apply your knowledge: RAM Mg 24 Fe 56 C 12 O 16 2Mg O → 2MgO RFM: 144g of Magnesium produced 170g of Magnesium Oxide. What is the percentage yield of this reaction?

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