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Electronic Parts.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Parts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Parts

2 Parts Resistor Diodes Transistors Transformer Capacitor Relay Switch
LED Lamp

3 Resistors Oppose the flow of electricity Color coded= value 20 resistors in the kit

4 Diodes Allow electricity to flow in only one direction 3 diodes in kit

5 Transistors Used to switch, amplify, oscillate Kit has 4 transistors

6 Transformer raises or lower voltage

7 Capacitor Temporary store electricity filters the voltage level Also may increase current 10 Capacitors in kit. Every project uses a capacitor

8 Relay Switch using electromagnet to control a higher current

9 Control and Power Switch Control switch uses a variable resistor

10 LED Light Emitting Diode Give off light when electricity flows through them

11 Lamp

12 Common Schematic symbols





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