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Go over Quizzes. 7.4 Areas of Trapezoids, Rhombuses(Rhombi) and Kites 3/21.

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Presentation on theme: "Go over Quizzes. 7.4 Areas of Trapezoids, Rhombuses(Rhombi) and Kites 3/21."— Presentation transcript:

1 Go over Quizzes

2 7.4 Areas of Trapezoids, Rhombuses(Rhombi) and Kites 3/21

3 Learning Target I can find the area of special quadrilaterals.

4 Area of a Trapezoid A = ½ h( b₁ + b₂) Where h is the height (the perpendicular distance between the two bases, b₁ and b₂) EXAMPLE

5 DO #1-3

6 Area of a Rhombus OR a Kite A = ½ d₁d₂ d₁ and d₂ represent the lengths of the diagonals

7 Do #4-9

8 Do #10-15

9 Find the area of the trapezoid

10 RECAP – Can you use formulas to find the areas of Trapezoids, Rhombi, or Kites?

11 Review 7.4 Review p.376 1-19

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