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National Food Security Mission Palakkad Rice 2010-11 Department of Agriculture Government of Kerala.

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1 National Food Security Mission Palakkad Rice 2010-11 Department of Agriculture Government of Kerala

2 Details of Funds received during 2009-10 Total amount sanctioned during 2009-10Rs.390.53 lakhs Total amount received from Government of IndiaRs.277.72 lakhs. Total expenditure incurred by KeralaRs.390.69 lakhs Balance to be received from Government of IndiaRs.112.967 lakhs

3 National Food Security Mission 2009-10 Kerala - Physical and Financial Achievement as on March 2010 Sl. No. Name of scheme TargetAchievement Physical Financial Amount (Rs Lakhs) Physical Committed expendi ture (Rs Lakhs) 1 Demonstration ha Demonstration on improved package of practices of rice 206 nos.5.152065.15 System of Rice Intensification (SRI)150 nos.4.51514.50061 2Varietal replacement of Rice 25000 Qtl. 168.3826117.17169.2726 3Nutrient management/soil ameliorants a.Promotion of Micronutrients in rice3600 ha183542.1714.5138 b.Application of Lime in Rice10000 ha507930.8539.76979 4Seed Mini kit Programme of rice 2063 nos. 02063 5Farmers field school50 nos.8.5508.5 6Assistance for plant protection chemicals10000 ha501195049.24729

4 National Food Security Mission 2009-10 Kerala - Physical and Financial Achievement as on March 2010 (Cont…) Sl. No. Name of scheme TargetAchievement Physical Financial Amount (Rs Lakhs) Physical Committed expendi ture (Rs Lakhs) 7Mechanization aConoweeder1000 64.5 4934 78.17563 bSeed drill25 cRotavator205 dPumpset60427 ePower weeder2532 fKnapsack sprayer5001488 8Local initiative 20 9Miscellaneous Expenditure 1.5 1.558 Total 390.53 390.69

5 Details of Minikit distributed during 2009-10 VarietyNo. of minikits 1.Uma100 2. Athira1963 Total2063 (Minikits distributed by NSC)

6 Details of Seed distribution Name of varietyQuantity of seed distributed(MT) 1.Kanchana731.46 2. Jyothi825.51 3. Uma844.59 4. Jaya4.02 5. Harsha8.8 6. Ponmani64.69 7. Aiswarya135.19 8. Annapoorna0.25 Total2614.59

7 Planning of inputs for Kharif 2010-11 Seed Required seeds have been arranged through State Seed Development Authority and NSC. Fertilizer, PPC, MicronutrientArrangements have made to supply inputs through Co-operative societies by issuing permits.

8 Status of Minikit distribution 2010-11 Varieties allocated for distributionUma – 2000 kits. Athira – 63 kits. Agency distributing minikitsNSC Progress of distributionNot yet started.

9 National Food Security Mission 20010-11Kerala - Physical and Financial Target Sl. No. Name of scheme Target Physical Financial Amount (Rs Lakhs) 1 Demonstration ha Demonstration on improved package of practices of rice 250 nos.6.25 System of Rice Intensification (SRI)150 nos.4.5 2Varietal replacement of Rice25000 Qtl.125 3Nutrient management/soil ameliorants a.Promotion of Micronutrients in rice3600 ha18 b.Application of Lime in Rice6000 ha30 4Seed Mini kit Programme of rice2063 nos.0 5Farmers field school30nos.5.1

10 National Food Security Mission 20010-11Kerala - Physical and Financial Target (Cont…) Sl. No. Name of scheme Target Physical Financial Amount (Rs Lakhs) 6Assistance for plant protection chemicals3000 ha15 7Mechanization aConoweedder50015 bSeed drill101.5 cRotavator103 dPumpset252.5 ePower weeder101.5 fKnapsack sprayer50015 8Local initiative 20 Total 262.35

11 Area,Production and Yield of Rice - Kerala2007-08 Area HaProduction(MT) Yield Kg/ha ANFSM DISTRICTS 1Palakkad991732442442463 Total (A)991732442442463 BNON-NFSM DISTRICTS 1Thiruvananthapuram286771822505 2Kollam353879882258 3Pathanamthitta200146312314 4Alappuzha33335622701868 5Kottayam10969284282592 6Idukki219059592721 7Ernakulam12343244071977 8Thrissur24422593812431 9Malappuram9496217482290 10Kozhikode380050971341 11Wayanad12408320792585 12Kannur7232141111951 13Kasaragode5164109632123 Total (B)1297652842442228 GRAND TOTAL (A+B)2289385284882345

12 Area, Production and Productivity of Rice in Kerala – 2008-09 Sl. No. DistrictArea (ha) Production (MT) Productivity (kg/ha) 1Thiruvananthapuram299572742429 2Kollam385982922149 3Pathanamthitta268173992760 4Alappuzha341431042503053 5Kottayam10951321542936 6Idukki211554942598 7Ernakulam12966259071998 8Thrissur27928719092575 9Palakkad (NFSM district)961902401432497 10Malappuram11013232652113 11Kozhikode403856131390 12Wayanad12746338612657 13Kannur7649136371783 14Kasaragode4991110432213 Grand Total2342655902412520

13 Area,Production and Yield of Rice 2009-10 (Estimate) Sl.No.Districts Area (ha)Production (MT) Productivity (Kg/ha) ANFSM DISTRICTS 1Palakkad96159247974 2579 Total (A)96159247974 2579 BNON-NFSM DISTRICTS 1Thiruvananthapuram29967522 2511 2Kollam43449453 2176 3Pathanamthitta32458875 2735 4Alappuzha36769113647 3091 5Kottayam1212434409 2838 6Idukki21885666 2590 7Ernakulam1276724861 1947 8Thrissur2870377063 2685 9Malappuram1073122132 2062 10Kozhikode38855705 1468 11Wayanad1287533654 2614 12Kannur761313789 1811 13Kasaragode496411454 2307 Total (B)143204368230 2571 GRAND TOTAL (A+B)2393632420455 2574

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