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Having Fun with Math using Magnetic Force Fellow: Shelly Bursick Teacher: Dianne Gann.

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Presentation on theme: "Having Fun with Math using Magnetic Force Fellow: Shelly Bursick Teacher: Dianne Gann."— Presentation transcript:

1 Having Fun with Math using Magnetic Force Fellow: Shelly Bursick Teacher: Dianne Gann

2 Inquiry: What do you think today's topic is about? What do the objects hanging around the classroom have in common? Who can tell me what relationship these items have with our previous lesson?

3 Previous Class Review: We found that Magnets: –Have many different shapes and sizes. –Have a north and south pole. (If two north poles of a magnet touch they will repel. ) –They will act on most metallic objects with an attractive force.

4 Activity Review: Testing the force of a Magnet “Magnetic strength” Activity: “Fishing for Clips” –Materials: 2 Paper bags Fishing line Fish (Paper clips) 36 small 36 large –Procedure: In one paper bag put small paper clips and put the large paper clips in the other. Fish five time from each bag and record the catch.

5 Fishing for Clips Results Sm.FishTeam 1Team 2Team 3Team 4Team 5 1st1822211720 2nd2518171921 3rd1621151418 4th1916122015 5th2915292518 Lrg.FishTeam 1Team 2Team 3Team 4Team 5 1st 251017 1511 2nd 16310 78 3rd 121410 119 4th 81610 915 5th 222111 1820

6 Calculation: 1. Calculate the Average or Mean: The mean tells you the number of fish caught and divides the total number of catches equally. 2. Create a Graph for the data. –Put the trials on the x-axes and the average number of fish caught by the teams on the y.

7 Averages for “Fishing for Clips” data Team TrialSmall Fish 1 21 2 18 3 19 4 5 18 Team TrialLarge Fish 115 213 312 4 513

8 Example Graph:

9 Evaluate Data: Did you find it helpful or even easier to examine the data when we used averages? Do the graphs indicate which fish was caught the most? Do you think if we used three magnets we would catch three times as many fish?

10 Review of 2 nd Activity: Magnets Strength Activity: “Fishing for Clips Part two” –Materials: Paper bag Fishing line Fish (Paper clips) 36 small 36 large –Procedure: In the paper bag put the small and large paper clips. Fish five time from the bag and record the number of small and large fish caught and then record the weight of the entire catch.

11 Calculations: 1. Calculate an Average. –Add up your trials for the small fish and record this where it says total. Repeat this for your large fish and the weight. Now using your total’s take the average for each of the columns in your tables. 2. Find the Median: The median is the middle number when each catch is put into numerical order. 3. Locate the Mode: The mode is the number of fish caught that occurs the most.

12 Evaluate data: Which team caught the most large or small fish? (Did this team also have the greatest weight?) Which size was caught the most, the large or the small? What method did you use to catch the fish?

13 Create a Graph: Graph procedures: –The teams trials will be represented on the x-axes. So as an example, Team 1 is first entry on the x-axes and Team 2 the second and so on. –The teams averages will be represented on the y.

14 Sample Graph

15 Review of Graph: There where many factors we considered when graphing our data. –Is there any conclusion we can draw from our graph? –Do you see a correlation between weight and the number of large clips caught? –Is there any size that is caught the most? (why do you think this is?)

16 Quiet time to reflect: Each of you need to take your table work sheets and flip them over. On the back of the work sheet I would like you to write down a paragraph about the topics we covered today. Keep in mind the math we used and how we applied this to our magnet activities.

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