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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Science Class MRS. WEINER 8 TH GRADE SCIENCE AND CAMBRIDGE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Syllabus  It is online- click on all Assignments and look back at August to find it and sign it. It is a grade for your children.  Has Concepts we will be learning each quarter, cheating policy, grading scale, etc

3 2015-2016 Concepts 1 st Quarter Nature of Science: Measurement & Scientific Tools Nature of Science: Scientific Inquiry Properties of Matter Matter & Atoms Cambridge- Density, Pressure, Turning on a Pivot, Structure of an Atom 2 nd Quarter Periodic Table Elements and Chemical Bonds Mixtures, Solubility, & Acid/Base Solutions Cambridge- Periodic Table, Endo and Exothermic reactions, Patterns of Reactivity, Preparing Common Salts 3 rd Quarter Chemical Reactions and Equations The Sun-Earth-Moon System Earth in Space and Time Stars and Galaxies Cambridge- Rates of Reactions, Photosynthesis, Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Adapting to a habitat 4 th Quarter FCAT Review Exploring Space Human Growth and Development Cambridge- Ecosystems, Human Influences on Environment, Classification and Variation, Electricity

4 Grading Scale  Grades are based on quizzes, tests, lab reports, projects, papers, classwork and homework. Quizzes and tests will not be curved.  Categories and weights of grades are as follows:  Tests – 40%  Quizzes – 20%  Labs/Projects/Papers – 30%  Classwork/Home learning – 10%

5 Lab Fees  Lab Fee  There is a $20 lab fee due for each student. Cash only. The deadline for the lab fee is October 22. After this deadline, the family will receive a financial obligation.

6 Cheating and Online Textbook  If a student is caught cheating, they will receive an F for that assignment and a 1 in conduct for the nine weeks. They will receive a written notice and parent contact will be made immediately after the infraction. The conduct grade cannot be improved upon for that 9 week grading period.  Online textbook- all students have their username and passwords as well as the registration code and site is posted online under homework.

7 Homework  I will list Home Learning Assignment on the board in class and on website. Students may have the requirement to print out a worksheet and bring to class. Please check this daily.  I post notes and other information on website as well

8 Agendas  Every student should have one now.  They should be writing the HW in their agendas each day. I am trying to spot check it and make sure they have it in their agendas. Please create a system at home for checking their HW and making sure they have it packed and ready to come to school.  Organization has been a challenge for some students!

9 Any questions?  Please email me anytime at  I usually respond within 24 hours if not sooner, so if you do not hear back from me after 2 days- send me another email.  It has been a pleasure meeting with all of you and I look forward to working with your children this year!!!

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