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 Motif: A musical idea or succession of notes that is characteristic of a composition.

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2  Motif: A musical idea or succession of notes that is characteristic of a composition

3 About the Suite  Written by Gustav Holst  Originally performed in 1918  There was no movement written for Pluto, which had not yet been discovered  The traditional order in performance is: Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

4 Things to listen for: The types of instruments being played Instrumentation: Tempo: How fast the music is being played Dynamics: How loud or soft the music is The emotions that the music is creating through all the elements listed above Mood:

5 Mercury, The Winged Messenger  Greek name: Hermes  Messenger of the Gods  God of travel, messengers, trade, thievery, cunning wiles, language, writing, diplomacy, and athletics.  Had a winged hat and sandals, so he could fly

6 Venus, the Bringer of Peace  Greek name: Aphrodite  Goddess of love, lust, beauty, seduction, and pleasure.  Mother of Cupid  Wife of Vulcan, the smith of the gods

7 Jupiter, The Bringer of Jollity  Greek name: Zeus  King of the Gods  Wields lighting bolts  God of benevolence and generosity  Often looks down on Earth with a smile and will come down to flirt with all the ladies  Brother of Neptune and Pluto

8 Neptune, The Mystic  Greek name: Poseidon  Lord of the Sea  Brother of Jupiter and Pluto  Also the God of earthquakes and horses

9  Which God do you think the movement was about: Jupiter or Neptune? Why?

10 Mars, the Bringer of War  Greek name: Ares  God of war, bloodlust, violence, manly courage, and civil order.  Considered murderous and bloodstained, but also a coward

11 Uranus, The Magician  Greek name: Uranus  One of Titans: God of the sky  Parent of Saturn along with Gaia (Mother Earth)

12  Which God do you think the movement was about: Mars or Uranus? Why?

13 Saturn, The Bringer of Old Age  Greek name: Cronos  One of the Titans, who ruled before the Gods  Father of Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto  God of Time (often called Father Time)

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