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Comparing & Ordering Integers. Objective Content Objective: We will compare and order integers. We will communicate mathematical ideas using graphical.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparing & Ordering Integers. Objective Content Objective: We will compare and order integers. We will communicate mathematical ideas using graphical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparing & Ordering Integers

2 Objective Content Objective: We will compare and order integers. We will communicate mathematical ideas using graphical models. Why learn this: We use positive and negative numbers to measure temperature, height (as in above and below sea level), money, and more. We use absolute value to determine the distance from a point, without regard to the direction we are moving from that point.

3 Vocabulary integers: all positive whole numbers, their opposites, and zero. opposites: two numbers that are the same distance from zero on the number line, but in opposite directions. Ex. 2, -2 absolute value: a number’s distance from zero on the number line (always a positive value).

4 Finding Absolute Value Find the l3l and l-3l. l3l and l-3l = 3

5 Quick Practice Write the opposite of each number. a)2b) 4c) -3d) -11 a) -2b) -4c) 3d) 11

6 Quick Practice Find each absolute value. a)l-21lb)l14lc) l-1ld)l21l a) 21b)14c) 1d)21

7 Comparing Integers Compare -4 and 1 using. Remember, numbers increase going from left to right. -4 < 1

8 Quick Practice Which number in the pair is farther away from zero. a) 4, -5b) 2, 5c) -1, -3d) -12, 11 a) -5b) 5c) -3d) -12

9 Quick Check Compare using. a) -6 -3b) -23 0 c) 17 -18d) 5 -1 a) -6 -18d) 5 > -1 e) l-21l 21 f) -14 l14l c) l-1l -5 e) l-21l = 21 f) -14 -5

10 Ordering Integers Order the numbers -8, 7, -4, and 3 from least to greatest. Use a number line to plot the points. Then put them in order from least to greatest. Remember, numbers increase going from left to right. -8, -4, 3, and 7

11 Quick Practice In golf, the person with the lowest score is the winner. Rank the players below by ordering their scores from lowest to highest. PlayerScore B. Hive-12 L. Emons-4 T. Ricks+10 J. Umps-3 P. Tree-5 1.B. Hive 2.P. Tree 1.L. Emons 2.J. Umps 3.T. Ricks

12 l-4l l-3l >

13 l12l l-12l =

14 l-20l l10l >

15 l-14l l-15l <

16 l-7l 6 >

17 -5 l-4l <

18 -15 5 <

19 l-13l l12l >

20 19 l-19l =

21 l-27l 28 <

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