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The Ohio State University

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1 The Ohio State University
Mechanisms of ’ Rafting in Single Crystal Ni-Base Superalloys ––– A Simulation Study AFOSR under MEANS 2 Ning Zhou; Chen Shen; Michael J. Mills ; Yunzhi Wang; The Ohio State University

2 Modeling of rafting in Ni Base superalloy
Elastic model Rafting direction is determined by the sign of lattice misfit, modulus mismatch and applied load direction. γ’ P type rafting Plastic-elastic model γ Take into account the contribution from plastic deformation inγchannels. And the rafting direction is determined only by the sign of lattice and applied load direction. N type rafting

3 Local stress field Stress Field External applied stress Dislocation
configuration Microstructure Stress Field Misfit stress Dislocation stress Dislocation movement Microstructure evolution Initial channel filling and relaxation: PF dislocation model Rafting: PF binary diffusion model Stress due to modulus mismatch Modulus mismatch between /’ Rafting induced by channel dislocations for a homogeneous modulus system Rafting purely due to modulus mismatch with no channel dislocations Combining channel dislocations and modulus mismatch to evaluate their relative contributions.

4 Starting configuration

5 Dislocation structure


7 Negative misfit under tension
Time evolution of g' particles in a Ni-Al alloy with -0.3% misfit under 152MPa tensile stress along [001]. Dislocations from different slip systems are represented by different colors

8 Positive misfit under tension
Time evolution of g' particles in a Ni-Al alloy with +0.3% misfit under 152MPa tensile stress along [001].

9 Time evolution of g' particles in a Ni-Al alloy with -0
Time evolution of g' particles in a Ni-Al alloy with -0.3% misfit under 152MPa tensile stress along [001]. t=3.6 hrs; t=7.2 hrs; t=10.7 hrs. Dislocations from different slip systems are represented by different colors Time evolution of g' particles in a Ni-Al alloy with +0.3% misfit under 152MPa tensile stress along [001]. t=3.6 hrs; t=7.2 hrs.

10 Chemical potential plot
Chemical potential difference in different channels caused by channel dislocations is about 30~50J/mol

11 Effective Medium Approximation Equivalent strain approach
D.Y. Li, L.Q. Chen, Scripta Materialia, Vol.37,No.9,pp ,1997 Hard precipitate (Modulus mismatch about 40%) Positive misfit: 0.563% Discrete Atom Method Jong K. Lee, Materials Science & Engineering A238(1997)1-12 Hard precipitate (Modulus mismatch:50%) Positive misfit: 5.0% Equivalent strain approach Yu U. Wang, Yongmei M. Jin, and Armen G. Khachaturyan J. App Phys. Vol: 92, Number 31 (2002) Phil Mag,  Vol:  85 , Issue:  2–3 ,( 2005)

12 2D simulation of rafting due to inhomogeneous modulus
Hard precipitate Soft precipitate Positive misfit Negative misfit Comp Ten Com t* Initial relaxed: misfit: +/-1.6%) Modulus mismatch: 18% Applied stress: +/-0.03C440

13 Negative misfit: -1.6% Modulus mismatch: 18%
Applied stress: +/-0.03C440 No applied stress hard precipitate No applied stress Soft precipitate

14 Plastic V.S. Elastic N P Hard precipitate Soft precipitate N P
Channel dislocation induced rafting with homogeneous modulus Positive misfit Negative misfit Comp Ten Com N P competition Rafting caused by inhomogeneous modulus Hard precipitate Soft precipitate Positive misfit Negative misfit Comp Ten Com N P

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