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National Development Strategy Research and Development Eleni Stylianopoulou Environment Service October, 2009.

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1 National Development Strategy Research and Development Eleni Stylianopoulou Environment Service October, 2009

2 Contents Strategic Development Plan. National Sustainable Development Strategy. Current practices of communication between researchers and policy makers. Problems identified. Suggestions for future actions.

3 Sustainable Development-Research in Cyprus SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT POLICY Institutions involved  Council of Ministers has the overall responsibility  Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment (MANRE) responsible for environmental policy coordination. Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry for Social Insurance play important roles  Planning Bureau is in charge of the preparation of the Strategic Development Plans.

4 Strategic Development Plan 2007-2013 8 Development Axes: Reinforcement of the competitiveness of the economy. Promotion of research and innovation. Reinforcement of social cohesion. Enhancement and protection the environment. Enhancement of the quality of life. Improvement of basic infrastructure Continuous development of workforce Balanced rural and urban development.

5 National Strategy for Sustainable Development Main challenges: Climate change and clean energy.  Decrease of CO 2 emissions  Energy production from waste  Promotion of use of public transport means  Use of Renewable Energy Sources Sustainable Transport  Restructuring of the urban, rural and intercity transportation.  Decrease of the use of private cars. Sustainable Consumption and Production  Decoupling of economic growth and environmental degradation  Green Public Procurement  Environmental voluntary tools (EMAS-ECOLABEL)  Financial incentives for decrease of energy and water use.

6 National Strategy for Sustainable Development Main challenges: Preservation and management of natural resources.  Quality of air, protection of forests, of water and mining sources, of sea and coastal areas, halt of biodiversity. Public health  Inclusion of health issues in the several policies  Emphasis on disease prevention

7 National Strategy for Sustainable Development Main challenges Social inclusion, demography and migration  Decrease of poverty levels.  Accessibility of people with special needs  Inclusion of vulnerable groups in the work environment.  Prevention of social exclusion of children. International challenges  Provision of aid in other countries Urban development and sustainable tourism  Balanced rural and urban development  Defining the tourist product (environment and culture)

8 Main challenges Education and awareness  Education of teachers  Centers of environmental education Research, technological development and innovation  Upgrading of current research infrastructure and creation of new structures  National Council for Research  Operational program of Sustainable Development and Competitiveness National Strategy for Sustainable Development

9 Policy Making and Research Cooperation between policy makers and researchers CURRENT PRACTICES Policy makers participate as partners, beneficiaries, end users in funding programs for research and development such as FP7, LIFE+, National Funding for Research. Some departments, are active concerning their participation in research programs. Participation of researchers in Committees such as the Environmental Awards for Business, GMOs, ECOLABEL.

10 Sustainable Development-Research in Cyprus RESEARCH IN THE FIELD OF BIODIVERSITY Cyprus Forestry Department (Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment –MANRE) Systematic study of flora and fauna and especially into the endemic, rare and threatened plants. Focus on the vegetation of Cyprus. Genetic improvement of forest species, through the establishment of tree bank, seed orchard, botanical garden. Study of forest re-generation both naturally and technically Research in the Field of Marine Environment  Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (MANRE) Research, monitoring and control of aquatic pollution and protection of endangered aquatic species and habitats. Research projects which the department participated include MED-POL, SAP BIO, MedVEg, MedMPA Game Fund Service (Ministry of the Interior) Survey programmes on wild birds and the Cyprus mouflon. habitat management wildlife damage prevention and control

11 Sustainable Development-Research in Cyprus RESEARCH IN THE FIELD OF AIR QUALITY Department of Labour Inspection (Ministry of Labour) Responsible for monitoring air quality Inspectorate for industry (air emissions) Participation in research programmes in the field of air quality RESEARCH IN THE FIELD OF WATER (Quality, Reuse, Management) Agricultural Research Institute (MANRE) Center of Excellence for Agriculture and Environment. - Plant Protection: experimental work in the identification and effective control of pests and diseases for important crops. Methods are tested within the framework of integrated pest management programmes. - Soils, Water Use and Environment Water and fertilizer requirements of major crops. Use of sewage effluent for agricultural production

12 Sustainable Development-Research in Cyprus Research in the Field of Soil Geological Survey Department (MANRE) -Cyprus Active Tectonism -Palaeontology -Seismic Risk Assessment -Boron Contamination of Water Resources Environment and Health State General Laboratory (Ministry of Health) - Laboratory of Eco toxicology - Unit of Environment and Health within the Ministry of Health (population studies on the effects of electricity transport lines)

13 Sustainable Development-Research in Cyprus Energy (Conservation, Technologies, Renewable Sources) Department of Energy –Institute of Energy renewable energy sources conservation and rational utilisation of energy use of energy savings technologies Climate Change Environment Service Research in the field of energy Meteorological Service (MANRE) Department of Forests

14 Policy Making and Research Problems identified The inclusion of research and innovation in the policies and strategies is included as a vertical axis than integrated in all the pillars of plans and strategies. Policy making on the other hand is not yet formulated in an integrated way. Responsibilities for environmental issues are multi segmented therefore coordination and communication is hindered. Bureaucracy and traditional way of thinking.

15 Sustainable Development-Research in Cyprus Need for policies which are mutually reinforcing Need for a better understanding of environmental impacts across media and complex cause and effect relationships that bring them about. High level of Environment Protection, including Biodiversity Human health & Quality of life SoilAir Environmental media Sustainable Resource Use, Production and Consumption WFD Water Soil strategy Air Strateg y Climate Change Biodiversity strategy Env & Health, Urban strategy Resources, Waste Prevention and Recycling, Pesticide strategy Marine strategy Seas Climate change policy

16 Sustainable Development-Research in Cyprus Suggestions for further action Change the decision making process, promoting interdisciplinary, integrated approach of issues (identify environmental, economic and social aspects of policies) and in this framework identify the role of research. Create systematic, structured pathways of communication between policy makers and researchers (through joint events, working groups, bilateral consultation) Identify priority areas where the need for cooperation is urgent! (such as innovation)

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