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TAILORED TIPS’ IS A DIGITAL COMPANY Tailored Tips’ - We tailor to you.

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Presentation on theme: "TAILORED TIPS’ IS A DIGITAL COMPANY Tailored Tips’ - We tailor to you."— Presentation transcript:

1 TAILORED TIPS’ IS A DIGITAL COMPANY Tailored Tips’ - We tailor to you

2 Tailored Tips’ Overview of my Product My Target Audience Pricing Strategy Product Website

3 Product Overview Online Nail Service Design your own or select from one of our designs Select the type of shape you would like Select the type of length method, from stick ons to glue Finalize your order

4 Target Audience Who is my target audience ? Why would they would like to buy my product ? Do I believe this will be an investment ?

5 Pricing Strategy What is the pricing of my product ? Why did I choose that price range ?

6 Product Website




10 Molly Doherty DES311 – Creative Entrepreneurship Thank-you for taking the time. 4861/DES311/nails.html

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