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Reconstruction 1865-1877 I. Lincoln’s 10% Plan A. Pardoned all confederates except high ranking officials if swore allegiance. B. Can form new state governments.

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Presentation on theme: "Reconstruction 1865-1877 I. Lincoln’s 10% Plan A. Pardoned all confederates except high ranking officials if swore allegiance. B. Can form new state governments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconstruction 1865-1877 I. Lincoln’s 10% Plan A. Pardoned all confederates except high ranking officials if swore allegiance. B. Can form new state governments and send federal representatives and senators as soon as 10% of state swore allegiance. C. Lincoln had to veto his own Republican party’s Wade-Davis Bill in congress that would have given them control over reconstruction.

2 II. Johnson's Presidential Reconstruction A. Johnson succeeded Lincoln after assassination. Only Senator from Confederate state to stay with Union. B. Plan – States must declare succession illegal, swear allegiance, and ratify the 13th amendment. Johnson ends up giving pardons to most southern leaders.

3 III. Congressional Reconstruction Plan A. Overrides Johnson’s veto’s on not admitting southern legislators, increasing the Freedmen's Bureau, and stopped black codes. B. Want land, votes, and protection for blacks – pass 14 th amendment, but not ratified by the states. C. 1886 Republicans sweep election and pass Reconstruction Act which divides south into 5 Military Districts. Requires states to include 13, 14, 15th amendments into their state constitutions.


5 Johnson Impeached  Congress is upset with Johnson for being lenient on South. They pass an Act that prohibits the president from firing cabinet members without Senate approval to keep their ally, Sec. of War Stanton, in place.  Johnson still fires Stanton claiming the Act is unconstitutional. Johnson is impeached, but not convicted by 1 vote.  Johnson does not run for 2 nd term, and war hero U.S. Grant elected in 1868.

6 Important Terms  13 th Amendment – abolished slavery  14 th Amendment – gave slaves citizenship  15 th Amendment – slaves can vote  Freedmen’s Bureau – provides food, cloths, hospitals, education, and job training.  Black Codes – discriminatory laws that restricted black’s lives. Travel, etc.

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