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My Home By Matt Babiak.

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Presentation on theme: "My Home By Matt Babiak."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Home By Matt Babiak

2 House Style… And why I chose it
My house is a New American style. I chose this style because it combined my favorite elements of European, Victorian, and Modern houses and I liked its unconventional shape.

3 Style Characteristics
Mixes many different house styles Very large size Parts are symmetrical in design Unique roof shapes Many windows

4 First Floor Go to second floor

5 Second Floor Go to first floor

6 Back to the first floor Master Bedroom Go to furniture list

7 Master Bedroom Furniture
Back to the first floor Master Bedroom Furniture

8 Master Bathroom Back to the first floor Go to furniture list

9 Master Bathroom Furniture
Back to the first floor Master Bathroom Furniture

10 Back to the first floor Living Room Go to furniture list

11 Back to the first floor Living Room Furniture

12 Back to the first floor Kitchen Go to furniture list

13 Kitchen Furniture Back to the first floor

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