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 Necessary materials: PowerPoint Guide Teacher Information!

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Presentation on theme: " Necessary materials: PowerPoint Guide Teacher Information!"— Presentation transcript:

1  Necessary materials: PowerPoint Guide Teacher Information!

2 Game Management Fish and Wildlife Resources

3 Students will be able to…  Discuss controversies associated with wildlife/game animals  Discuss wildlife/game management

4 Game Management  What issues do you see in this picture?

5 Carrying Capacity v. Population Density  Carrying capacity—the number of individuals a particular area can support  Population density—the actual number of individuals in an area  What occurs when these two do not coincide?

6 What is wildlife management?  The planned use, protection, or control of wildlife populations or the manipulation of habitat to meet societal goals.

7 Who owns wildlife?  State governments manage most wildlife Department of Natural Resources  Federal government manages Migratory species Endangered species Wildlife on federal land  U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service  National Marine Fisheries Service  Natural Resources Conservation Service  U.S. Forest Service

8 Why manage wildlife?  Vast human population  Vast human impact on the environment How do we manage wildlife?  Game refuges  By manipulating habitat Manipulating habitat to create certain characteristics Fire  maintains grasslands, prevents tree encroachment; benefits grassland wildlife species

9 Manipulating Habitat  Domestic livestock grazing Important to set back succession Can improve forage quality Overgrazing must be avoided  Rest from grazing  Creates more cover for some species

10 Manipulate habitat (cont.)  Logging Sets back succession Logged areas produce more browse than mature forests  Mechanical treatments Expensive Goal  set back succession and increase diversity Includes mowing, spraying herbicides, disking, bulldozing

11 Manipulate habitat (cont…)  Plantings May plant some plant species for food  Constructing cover Nestboxes  wood ducks Build brush piles  rabbits, quail, pheasants

12 How do we manage wildlife?  Coordinate with other resources Farmers leave small portion of crop for wildlife Removal of a portion of wildlife populations  Hunting regulations No hunting of some species allowed Bag limits Vary with the year

13 How do we manage wildlife?  Predator/prey control Removal of a portion of wildlife populations  Artificial stocking Must consider population density  Can wildlife be managed without hunting? Why or why not?

14 How could you as a private landowner increase wildlife on your land?  Provide food, water and shelter Pond construction Grain plots Leaving fence rows

15 Review  Discuss controversies associated with wildlife/game animals  Discuss wildlife/game management

16 References  Camp, W.G. and B. Heath-Camp. 2009. Managing Our Natural Resources. Delmar: Clifton Park, NY.

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