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Using Evidence Based Complementary Medicine Health Information only a click away!

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Presentation on theme: "Using Evidence Based Complementary Medicine Health Information only a click away!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Evidence Based Complementary Medicine Health Information only a click away!

2 Click on the “Databases” link on the left to get to the list of databases.

3 The databases available are listed in the center of the screen. Scroll down until you see Evidence Based complementary Medicine, and click on the name of the database.

4 1.Conditions: allows you to look up a specific condition. 2. Herbs & Supplements: provides information about specific herbs and supplements. 3. Drug Interactions: lists interaction information for specific medications/supplements. 1 2 3

5 Health Information only a click away! Conditions example: Shingles

6 To search for information on complementary treatments for Shingles, click on the letter “S” under the heading “Conditions ”.

7 A list of conditions starting with the letter “S” will come up. Click on “Shingles” to get to the information about complementary treatments for Shingles.

8 The entry on Herpes Zoster will come up. You can scroll down the page to read it, or you can click on the page navigation links to skip to a specific section. You can also go to related entries by clicking on the links in the text. Click on the “Return Main Menu” tab at the top of the page to return to the main page.

9 Health Information only a click away! Herbs & Supplements example: fish oil supplements

10 To search for information on fish oil supplements click on the letter “F” under the heading “Herbs & Supplements”.

11 A list of herbs and supplements that start with the letter “F” will come up. Click on “Fish Oil” to get to the information about fish oil supplements.

12 The entry on fish oil will come up. You can scroll down the page to read it, or you can click on the page navigation links to skip to a specific section. You can also go to related entries by clicking on the links in the text. Click on the “Return Main Menu” tab at the top of the page to return to the main page.

13 Health Information only a click away! Drug Interactions example: Novolin

14 To search for information on interactions between heabs ad sullements and the drug Novolin click on the letter “N” under the heading “Drug Interactions”. Note: This section lists interaction information for both brand and generic drug names. If the name you are looking for is not included in the list, click on “All” to look through the list for more general terms.

15 A list of drugs that start with the letter “N” will come up. Scroll down the page to find “Novolin” and click on the link.

16 The entry on interactions between insulin and various supplements will come up. You can scroll down the page, or click on the page navigation links to skip to a specific interaction. Click on the “Return Main Menu” tab at the top of the page to return to the main page.

17 Remember, if you run into problems while using Evidence Based complementary Medicine, or any other SHIRP resources, call Christine Neilson at 306-966-1291 Health Information only a click away!

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