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SNC1P Review for Unit Test Oct 2011  When is our Unit Test on?  What is your favourite colour?

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2 SNC1P Review for Unit Test Oct 2011

3  When is our Unit Test on?  What is your favourite colour?

4  List 4 physical properties you could use to tell the difference between a block of ice and a block of iron?  Give me 3 clues that a chemical change has occurred?  What does viscosity mean?  What is the density of a ball with mass=800g and volume=200cm3?  Is snow melting an example of a physical or chemical change?

5  Name the two types of pure substances?  What is the element with the symbol Na? What type of pure substance is it?  Tell me the elements and how many of them are in Na 2 CO 3, Mg(PO 3 ) 2

6  What does the Atomic Mass tell us?  Using the Periodic Table how do we find out how many electrons are in an element?

7  Draw the BR Diagram for  (a) Calcium  (b) Neon

8  Ca has 2 e- in it’s outer shell, give me others elements with 2e- in outer shell?  Write two elements with the same properties as Ne?  In terms of the BR diagram, what do K, Ca and Sc have in common?  How many shells do they have?  Name some elements belonging to the Halogen group/family

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