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 Which form of reproduction is related to mitosis? Why?  Which form of reproduction is related to meiosis? Why?

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Presentation on theme: " Which form of reproduction is related to mitosis? Why?  Which form of reproduction is related to meiosis? Why?"— Presentation transcript:


2  Which form of reproduction is related to mitosis? Why?  Which form of reproduction is related to meiosis? Why?

3  The rod like structures within a cell which contain the DNA.  Humans have 46 chromosomes in each cell. ◦ Bats-44 ◦ Potatoes-48 ◦ Camels-70 ◦ Flies-8


5  A cell divides into two identical cells.  Each daughter cell or offspring has the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

6  Occurs in single celled organisms and all normal cells in the body.  Asexual Reproduction!


8  Cell division which makes gametes.  One cell splits into four cells, each with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. ◦ Human sperm and egg cells have 23 chromosomes.

9  Daughter cells have different DNA than the one parent cell.  Only sexually reproducing organisms go through meiosis.


11  Artificial asexual reproduction.  A body cell is taken from an organism and the nucleus is removed.  The nucleus is transplanted into an egg cell of the same organism.  When the egg develops, it is a genetic clone of the original organism.

12  DNA cloning-only a small portion of an organisms DNA is copied and “pasted” into another organism. The new DNA begins to replicate.  Reproductive cloning-making an exact copy of an organism. ◦ Sheep, pigs, cows, cats and rabbits.  Embryo cloning-cloning the human embryo to harvest and study stem cells.

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