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Packet switching network Data is divided into packets. Transfer of information as payload in data packets Packets undergo random delays & possible loss.

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Presentation on theme: "Packet switching network Data is divided into packets. Transfer of information as payload in data packets Packets undergo random delays & possible loss."— Presentation transcript:

1 Packet switching network Data is divided into packets. Transfer of information as payload in data packets Packets undergo random delays & possible loss

2 Packet Switching Principles : Basic Operation Data transmitted in small packets A typical upper bound on packet length is 1000 bytes. —Longer messages split into series of packets —Each packet contains a portion of user data plus some control info Control information —Routing (addressing) information Packets are received, stored briefly (buffered) and past on to the next node —Store and forward

3 Advantages Line efficiency —Single node to node link can be shared by many packets over time —Packets queued and transmitted as fast as possible Data rate conversion —Each station connects to the local node at its own speed —Nodes buffer data if required to equalize rates Packets are accepted even when network is busy —Delivery may slow down Priorities can be used

4 End system β Physical layer Data link layer Physical layer Data link layer End system α Network layer Network layer Physical layer Data link layer Network layer Physical layer Data link layer Network layer Transport layer Transport layer Messages Segments Network service Network service Network Service Network layer (provider of services) offers services to transport layer (user of services). It can be Connection-oriented service or connectionless service

5 Network Service vs. Operation Network Service Connectionless: only two interactions are required, A request for sending packets & indication of arrived packet. Any time user can request transmission of packet with out prior information to network layer. Connection-Oriented: Transport layer can’t initiate if end system is not connected. Network layer must be informed about the various parameters related with the usage & quality of service. The network layer maintains state information about the flows it is handling. This service entails greater complexity.

6 Complexity at the Edge or in the Core?

7 Network layer can provide a choice of services to the user of network : Best effort connectionless service Low delay connectionless service Reliable Connection oriented transfer of packets Connection oriented transfer of packets with delay & bandwidth guarantee

8 Network Internal operation Network operation can be connectionless or connection oriented depending on the switching technique used. Various combinations of service & operation are possible Connection-oriented service over Connectionless operation Connectionless service over Connection-Oriented operation

9 The End-to-End Argument for System Design An end-to-end function is best implemented at a higher level than at a lower level —End-to-end service requires all intermediate components to work properly —Higher-level better positioned to ensure correct operation “MEANS CONNECTION ORIENTED SERVICE IS BETTER TO ENSURE THE RELIABLE COMMUNICATION”

10 Packet Network Topology

11 End-to-End Packet Network Packet networks very different than telephone networks User demand can undergo dramatic change Internet structure highly decentralized —Paths traversed by packets can go through many networks controlled by different organizations —No single entity responsible for end-to-end service —Oversubscription handling is the main issue.

12 Interdomain level Intradomain level Autonomous system Border routers Internet service provider s ss LAN Example of packet network topology : Connecting to Internet Service Provider Campus Network network administered by single organization

13 Domain & Autonomous system The term domain indicates that the router run the same routing protocol The term autonomous system used for one or more domains under single administration.

14 Switching Technique Station breaks long message into packets Packets sent one at a time to the network Packets handled in two ways —Datagram —Virtual circuit

15 DATAGRAM NETWORKS DATAGRAM NETWORKS If the message is going to pass through a packet- switched network, it needs to be divided into packets of fixed or variable size. The size of the packet is determined by the network and the governing protocol. In datagram networks packet is free to move in the network. If the message is going to pass through a packet- switched network, it needs to be divided into packets of fixed or variable size. The size of the packet is determined by the network and the governing protocol. In datagram networks packet is free to move in the network.

16 Datagram Each packet treated independently Packets can take any practical route Packets may arrive out of order Packets may go missing Up to receiver to re-order packets and recover from missing packets

17 In a packet-switched network, there is no resource reservation; resources are allocated on demand. Note

18 A datagram network with four switches (routers)

19 Datagram Diagram

20 Routing table in a datagram network

21 A switch in a datagram network uses a routing table that is based on the destination address. Note

22 The destination address in the header of a packet in a datagram network remains the same during the entire journey of the packet. Note

23 Delay in a datagram network

24 Switching in the Internet is done by using the datagram approach to packet switching at the network layer. Note

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