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ADHD and developmental neuropsychiatry Dr. Ernest S L Luk Adjunct Professor Department of Psychiatry The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

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Presentation on theme: "ADHD and developmental neuropsychiatry Dr. Ernest S L Luk Adjunct Professor Department of Psychiatry The Chinese University of Hong Kong."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADHD and developmental neuropsychiatry Dr. Ernest S L Luk Adjunct Professor Department of Psychiatry The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2 Developmental Neuro- psychiatric Disorder Developmental: onset in childhood and as the person grows from childhood to adolescence and adulthood, their handicaps and needs change. Neurological: strong biological component that affects the neurological functioning Psychiatric: impairs the thinking, emotion, behaviour and relationship of the person.

3 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Biological psychological and social model Follows developmental principle Working closely with the family and the school Scientific basis of the functioning of the mind: thinking, emotion, behaviour and relationship Physician of the mind

4 Common developmental neuro-psychiatric disorders Autistic Disorders and other Autistic Spectrum disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Specific Learning Disorder

5 Examples Professor Michael Rutter edited a book on Developmental Neuro-psychiatry (1983) Professor Eric Taylor’s title is Professor in Developmental Neuropsychiatry

6 Stigma attached to psychiatry Abnormal Unpredictable Aggressive Dangerous Weak Excuse to be lazy Cannot be understood

7 Fighting the stigma Enormous advance in our knowledge about how the brain function, the mind function and how the brain and mind interact and how psychological and social factors affects the mind. Psychiatry refers to a branch of medicine that specializes on the understanding of the above. To put a stigma on psychiatry is to say that we only have brains but no minds

8 ADHD and Stigma A community that does not understand or accept the condition will make it harder for individuals with ADHD to get help and lead a normal life.

9 ADHD and Stigma ADHD is a myth ADHD stands for naughty children ADHD is an excuse for laziness ADHD stands for bad parenting Taking medication is harming children Taking medication is taking an easy way out Medication is the magical solution: “Have you forgotten your medication ?”

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