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Renormalized stress tensor for trans-Planckian cosmology Francisco Diego Mazzitelli Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina.

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Presentation on theme: "Renormalized stress tensor for trans-Planckian cosmology Francisco Diego Mazzitelli Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renormalized stress tensor for trans-Planckian cosmology Francisco Diego Mazzitelli Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina

2 PLAN OF THE TALK Motivation Semiclassical Einstein equations and renormalization: usual dispersion relation Modified dispersion relations: adiabatic renormalization Examples and related works Conclusions D. Lopez Nacir, C. Simeone and FDM, PRD 2005

3 MOTIVATIONS scales of cosmological interest today are sub-planckian at the beginning of inflation potential window to observe Planck-scale physics (Brandenberger, Martin, Starobinsky, Niemeyer, Parentani....) quantum gravity suggests modified dispersion relations for quantum fields at high energies potential implications: - signatures in the power spectrum of CMB - backreaction on the background spacetime metric Aim of this work: handle divergences in the Semiclassical Einstein Equations

4 The Semiclassical Einstein Equations: usual dispersion relation Up to fourth adiabatic order

5 This subtraction works for some quantum states of the scalar field: those for which the two-point function reproduces the Hadamard structure. These are the physical states of the theory. The infinities can be absorbed into the gravitational constants in the SEE. Alternative to point-splitting -> dimensional regularization

6 In Robertson Walker spacetimes the procedure above is equivalent to the so called adiabatic subtraction: usual dispersion relation

7 1)Solve the equation of the modes using WKB approximation keeping up to four derivatives of the metric + ……. 2) Insert this solution into the expression for different components of the stress tensor (note dimensional regularization)

8 3) Compute the renormalized stress tensor and dress the bare constants Renormalized stress tensor Divergent part, to be absorbed into the bare constants Zeldovich & Starobinsky 1972, Parker, Fulling & Hu 1974, books on QFTCS

9 A simpler example: renormalization of Only the zeroth adiabatic order diverges For the numerical evaluation, one can take the n->4 limit inside the integral

10 Assumption: “trans- Planckian physics” may change the usual dispersion relation + higher powers of k 2 Higher spatial derivatives in the lagrangian


12 Modification to the dispersion relation 2-2j k The 2j-adiabatic order scales as w We can solve the equation using WKB approx. for a general dispersion relation +….

13 Components of the stress tensor in terms of W k NO DIVERGENCES AT FOURTH ADIABATIC ORDER (power counting)

14 Zeroth adiabatic order after integration by parts….

15 Zeroth adiabatic order: The divergence can be absorbed into a redefinition of  in the SEE: can be rewritten as

16 Second adiabatic order – minimal coupling

17 Second adiabatic order – additional terms for nonminimal coupling

18 After integration by parts and “some” algebra: where Non-minimal coupling is proportional to G 00 is proportional to G 11

19 Summarizing: Renormalized SEE: No need for higher derivative terms if w k ~ k or higher 4

20 Explicit evaluation of regularized integrals for some particular dispersion relations …. From this one can read the relation between bare and dressed constants and the RG equations

21 In the massless limit Finite results in the limit n->4: similar to usual QFT in 2+1 dimensions If m  0: more complex expressions in terms of Hypergeometric functions

22 Related works: drop the zero-point energy for each Fourier mode (Brandenberger & Martin 2005) OK for k and minimal coupling 6 assume that the Planck scale physics is effectively described by a non trivial initial quantum state for a field with usual dispersion relation. Usual renormalization. (Anderson et al 2005) Too many restrictions on the initial state, should coincide with adiabatic vacuum up to order 4 Relation with our approach? Work in progress Ibidem, but considering a general initial state. Additional divergences are renormalized with an initial-boundary counterterm (Collins and Holman 2006, Greene et al 2005)

23 CONCLUSIONS we have given a prescription to renormalize the stress- tensor in theories with generalized dispersion relations the method is based on adiabatic subtraction and dimensional regularization although the divergence of the zero-point energy is stronger than in the usual QFT, higher orders are suppressed and it is enough to consider the second adiabatic order. For the second adiabatic order is finite – subtract only zero point energy the renormalized SEE obtained here should be the starting point to discuss the backreaction of transplanckian modes on the background method

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