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Madison Bell Rebecca Borrego Mo Camacho Michelle Long.

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Presentation on theme: "Madison Bell Rebecca Borrego Mo Camacho Michelle Long."— Presentation transcript:

1 Madison Bell Rebecca Borrego Mo Camacho Michelle Long

2 History Founded in Moscow by Pyotr Arsenievich Smirnov in 1860
First to utilize newspaper ads along with charitable contributions to the clergy to stifle anti-vodka sermons First advertised in the Russian army stores Stood for rebellion, as it was the only vodka outside of Russia Today stands for adventure, perfection, thrill, and being unusual

3 Situation Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Threats Opportunities
Distinct label and bottle Variety of mixed drinks and flavours Internationally known One of the original vodkas from Russia, the country where vodka was created Brand loyal customer base Number one provider of vodka in the world Product placement in movies (James Bond) Leading brand internationally Weaknesses Reputation for being “cheap” Having a strong Russian history could give off an "old" appeal Positions itself to mostly a younger more ‘adventurous’ crowd may decrease market share. In the U.S., Vodka is usually drunk in a cocktail not by itself which decreases potential sales. Opportunities Build upon Smirnoff’s strong global brand recognition Emphasizing on Russian heritage as a differentiator Having a true interesting history which mirrors the ‘adventurous’ positioning of the brand will help them differentiate from other brands Threats Absolut Vodka and several other new competitors target same consumer base Increasing amounts of ‘fantasy’ advertising in Vodka (e.g. Absolut) High-end ‘sophisticated’ brands competing with ‘intelligent’ positioning. Losing brand loyalty due to competing brands becoming trendier.

4 Competitive Map Individualistic Drinker Grey Goose Effen Ciroc
Classic Design Up & Coming Sky Stoli Pinnacle Absolut Smirnoff Three Olives Social Drinker

5 Brand Personality

6 Positioning Statement
To the vodka-drinking free spirited professionals, Smirnoff is the original brand that combines street-smarts with sophistication

7 Brand Message Strategy Map
Advertising Objective: To make Smirnoff the obvious choice for hardworking business people. Core Target Profile: The year old street-smart road warrior businessperson; after work. THINK NOW/ DO NOW DIFFERENTIATING PROPOSITION THINK IN FUTURE/ DO IN FUTURE I heard Smirnoff is cheap so I would rather drink anything else. Smirnoff: tough, original, expert, street-smart. Smirnoff drinkers are my kind of folk. In my heart, I am really Russian… and Smirnoff’s my vodka. SUPPORT The original Russian branded vodka. TONE & MANNER MANDATORIES Expert, original, number 1, Russian.

8 Introduction 2 Magazine Advertisements 2 Virtual Advertisements

9 Campaign Theme ‘Cold hands, Warm soul’
Russian history of Smirnoff is also found at the core of each of each Smirnoff drinker Even with a calloused exterior they will always have a warm soul.

10 Creative idea #1

11 Creative idea #2

12 Creative idea #3

13 Creative idea #4

14 Promotion Ideas Idea #1: Build Brand Equity
“Hot and Cold” situation/ foundation Directed toward Facebook or Twitter Example: The Icelandic volcanic eruption that occurred on May 22, 2011 Idea #2: Purchase Interest into Actual Sales Look for code under the cap Visit Smirnoff website and type in the code to find out if they are a winner The winner will receive an all-inclusive round-trip for two to St. Petersburg, Russia

15 This is not a weapon so don’t use it as one.
Drink responsibly.

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